
Dr. Mike Jones

Will there be a ‘One World Leader’ and will Israel sign a ‘Peace Treaty’ with him?

(Part Three)

Q: Dr. Mike, will there be a one world leader and will Israel sign a ‘Peace Treaty’ with him?

A: YES! According to Daniel’s prophecy, a supreme leader will arise out of Europe’s 10 nation confederation. In Chapter 7:24-25, it states, “The ten horns are ten kings that will come from this fourth kingdom. After those ten kings are gone, another king will come. He will be different from the kings who ruled before him. He will defeat three of the other kings. 25 This special king will say things against God Most High, and he will hurt and kill God’s special people. That king will try to change the times and laws that have already been set. God’s holy people will be under that king’s power for three and one-half years.” This prominent leader will become the FINAL world dictator, known in sacred Scripture as “THE ANTICHRIST.

Then, we read of a ‘Peace Treaty’ that will be put in place between Israel and the New World Order Leader, prophesied in the Book of Revelation as the revived/realigned Roman Empire, the final worldly kingdom of human history. As stated, this new kingdom will give rise to a ‘World Christian Church” and apostate religion, a global government, and a global economy, as expressed in Revelation 17. [Also] Daniel prophesied of his coming in Chapter 9:27, “Then the future ruler will make an agreement with many people. That agreement will continue for one week. The offerings and sacrifices will stop for a half of a week. And a destroyer will come. He will do terrible, destructive things, but God has ordered that destroyer to be completely destroyed.” This Middle East agreement that Israel and the Antichrist sign, will be for seven years – but will be broken after the first 3-1/2 years, and then, the next major event will be the Battle of Armageddon – whereby ‘ALL’ the nations of the world gather together to fight against Christ, after the Tribulation Hour.