
Dr. Mike Jones

The Only True And Living God!

By: Dr. Mike Jones

In this post-modern”tolerant” society, we all get along by embracing each other religious beliefs; thus, as Apostles Paul and Peter stated, “In these last days, false religions and teachers will rise up and teach heresy and a damnable gospel. That day has arrived!

I want to uncover a few of the religious persuasions coveted in the earth today, that we should denounce.

(1 ) PANTHEISM is a form of religion that states, all things of the universe are part of a single substance that you may call God. These are all finite things that we are aware of and that we see. Notice a part of the definition, again: “All things in the universe are part of a creation we can call god.” This is part of the reason why in India they throw up rainwater and call it god.

So, how do people end up in Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.? Because they are searching for someone or something to fill their emptiness. Someone comes along with a gospel that has some truth in it, and it sounds acceptable to the listening ear as well as satisfies the immediate spiritual hunger, and people reach for it because their mysticism, Christian science, or theology sounds good.

As Christians, we should be out knocking on doors. God will hold us responsible and accountable if we’re not as effective as we should be in bringing souls into the kingdom of God, because He’s given us the arsenal to be soul winners. We must not permit the cares of this world nor the weights that so easily beset us (as mentioned in Hebrews 12) to weigh us down in our effectiveness. We have the true and living God residing inside us, and yet false gods and their religious systems seem to dominate the airways.

God has raised up a radical remnant of Christians within the Body of Christ that will not compromise the Word of God. Though, they may seem somewhat hard in their teaching and preaching, but their motive is pure in alerting us to the urgency of the hour that we’re living in and God’s marching orders to the Body of Christ.

(2) POLYTHEISM is the belief in many gods. Hinduism also falls into this category. Basically every living creature in their domain is considered “sacred.” For example, they will not kill their cows because the cows are sacred; They will not kill rats that are running rampant in India because they believe rats come back as reincarnated family and friends; etc.

(3) DUALISM is the belief that God and Satan are ONE, and they operate together. It states, “if I do good, I am on God’s side. If I do badly, I am on Satan’s side.” Dualist believes that God and Satan are one and there’s a good side of God and a bad side. They believe God is ONE with an evil side and a good side. They use the scripture [Isaiah 45:7] in the Old Testament that says, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these [things].”Further examination of the verse would give a clearer interpretation; God is saying through the Prophet Isaiah that absolutely nothing happens outside of His sovereignty; that certain actions result in certain punishments. If you permit evil to run rampant, He will permit it to run rampant because He’s given you authority over the evil that dwells in the land.

(4) DEISM is the religious belief that God created the world, rested as recorded in religious history, then turned the earth over to mankind for him to rule as he sees fit, without any heavenly intervention. Simply stated, God created the world and left it alone. If men kill each other, so be it; God just sits back and let them do it.

(5) ANIMISM is the religious belief that all things are alive with some form of a spirit. For example, a marker, a car, etc., has feelings.

(6) MONOTHEISM is the religious belief in ONE God. The Church of Jesus Christ is monotheistic. In Deuteronomy 6:4-5, the Bible says, “Hear, 0 Israel:
The LORD our God [is] one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”

In conclusion, in order for man to satisfy his need for God, he must seek him the right way: 1. Diligently, 2. Humbly, 3. Honestly, and 4. Obediently.

(Adapted from my Teaching The Only True and Living God; all Scripture references are taken from the KJV unless otherwise noted.)