
Dr. Mike Jones


By: Dr. Mike Jones

The Christian Researcher and Pollster George Barna said 93% of Americans believe in God, unfortunately (says Barna) 53% also believe “that all people pray to the same God or spirit, no matter what name they use for that spiritual being.” [Saints, things are so out of control in the world today, that the world has open the door for the for-runners of Anti-Christ.

We in Christendom should know that people who say, “All religions led to the same God;” are spiritually deceived, because the word of God said, in 2 Corinthians 4:3-4,”… if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God should shine unto them.”

Throughout America many are praying or chanting to a Supreme Being, a so-called Higher Power, that isn’t the God of the Bible – the God of Abraham, Issac,  and Jacob, the Father of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.  Some in this group flock home in the evening to turn on their televisions to hear the medium James Van Praagh speak to the dead; some give more allegiance to the work of Angels in their lives than the AWESOME love and presence of the Holy Spirit; and others falling prey to false teachers who are telling viewers they’re on the cutting-edge of new emerging revelation, that’s soothing to the human consciousness.

Where is all this leading us? Simple – to the repackaging of the New Age Movement … which is the real hidden agenda. We can see this transformation here in the U.S.A. America has been transformed from a Christian nation, as George Barna has pointed out, to a spiritually diverse society.  Why do I make such another BOLD statement?  Because in early 2000, George Barna reported shockingly, that 62% of born-again Christian’s believe that “There is no such thing, as absolute truth.”  Shortly there after, and just as disturbingly, he reported that 45% of the born-again believe that just “being good” will earn a person a place in heaven.

How is this New Age Movement that’s picking up momentum being so successful?, by using clever languages and wording.  For example, the Modernist say, “As far as our minds will take us, that’s how far we can go.”  The Post Modernist came along and said, “We can’t really know what God was saying, because words can have such a wide range of meaning.”  Now reality based faith, which says, “The way I see things are the way they are, regardless of what anyone says.”  This New Age teaching generates over $1 billion annually in book sales, because a growing number of people said they feel the need for spiritual growth, and they’re attempting to fill that need by adopting beliefs and practices of the New Age Movement.

The Word of God states that in the last day some shall depart from the faith, giving need to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.  They will look you square in the face, tell you the biggest lie and not give it a second thought. In 2013, this new church movement is called the “Emerging Church,” and you will be even more surprised as to who some of its prominent leaders are: Their “Can’t we just all get along” premise is: The Bible is full of mystery, and can’t really be understood. So, why don’t we agree to disagree on our interpretation of scripture, so that we can have more unity in the Body of Christ! These churches are growing exponentially, and very little is being taught about the suffering Christ, and how those that are His true Disciples, are being persecuted for His name sake.

(Adapted from my Teaching The Good Side of Evil; all Scripture references are taken from the KJV unless otherwise noted.)