
Dr. Mike Jones

The Carnal Christian

By: Dr. Mike Jones
First, permit ME to acknowledge that ‘ALL’ of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23); so, I’m not pointing a finger to say who is carnal and who is not; but I am going to outline some characteristics of what a CARNAL CHRISTIAN looks like.

A true believer is one that’s sensitive enough to the Spirit, that when they do sin, they’re quickly to acknowledge it, ask for forgiveness, and continue to walk upright before God as expressed in I John 1:8-10. Carnal Christians will, at times, commit sins and don’t see anything wrong in what they’re doing – they operate to closely to world system.

Definition: A Carnal Christian according to scripture is BORN AGAIN, but lives in a spiritual state in which they knowingly, willingly, intentionally and persistently live to please and serve self, more than our Lord, Jesus Christ (Himself).

Keep in mind that Carnal Christians do what they want and often say “it’s God’s will.” They often say what they think and believe they’re ‘RIGHT,’ because they have no degree of humility in their lives.
They are emotionally dependent – meaning their actions are based on FEELINGS, rather than on making Godly decisions. For example, when their favorite evangelist comes to town, they show up for service often, but, when it’s raining or cold outside, they find excuses as to why they’re not in service, but yet continue to believe God for nice homes, cars, etc.

An excellent example of this type of behavior is found in James Epistle. In James 4:2, he talks about HATE, BITTERNESS, and ANGER being so bottled up in a person, that they literally wish the death of the person. Why? Because they are so driven by their uncontrollable evil desires, that they will fight to the death to fulfill them. They are unwilling to ask God for His peace, love, joy on His terms – they refuse to submit to God or acknowledge their dependence on Him.

The Carnal Christian and the unbeliever have very similar characteristics: they are motivated by personal gratification and selfish desires. They seek things for their own pleasures, not the honor and glory of God. [This is why Jesus said, “Let the wheat and tares grow together, because YOU can’t determine who’s who. In the end, I will do the separation.”]

There are consequences of being a carnal Christian. Some are: unanswered prayers, you doubt your salvation, physical death, and the loss of eternal rewards.

Saints, God’s Word says in 1 Corinthians 11:32, “But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. God chastens His children, and if you ‘believe’ that you are a Christian living a carnal lifestyle, and haven’t been trained by the Holy Spirit to walk in light of what His Word says about a true Believer, then the Word of God says, you’re not His, and the Apostle Paul took it a step further in Chapter 13:5, when he said, “You call yourself a Christian, and yet, the things you are found doing, oppose God’s standards: then it could be that YOU’RE NOT A CHRISTIAN!”

Let all true Disciples be found, beholding His face, at this time, in Christendom.

(Adapted from the Teaching Will The Real Child Of God, Please stand Up: all Scripture references are taken from the KJV unless otherwise noted.)