These are THE 18 SEMINARS IN THE 2025 SEMINAR SERIES, that are used to conduct Saturday Morning Seminars for local churches. [Dr. Mike, Adjunct Professor of Logos University, Altamonte Springs, Florida].
The seminars are available to ‘ALL’ church organizations throughout the region, to assist leadership in training God’s people, for the work of the ministry. The cost per person remains [ONLY] $15 and it covers, Registration, Lecture, and Christian College Seminar Certificate that’s good for semester credits at a number of Christian colleges/universities.
In Spiritual Warfare: Engaging the Enemy, The Bible is explicit! We’re in daily battle with our adversary, Satan, and his demon forces. Learn why too many Christians end up losing more spiritual/natural battles than they win because they don’t recognize the enemy, who can transform himself into an angel of light, when they confront him. In many cases, they have no idea how they’re to respond. This series show the readers how to be strategic in their responses to attacks from the wicked ones that stand between them and God. Satan hates the true believer because they bear the image of Christ and because they were snatched from his demonic power.
In Christian Psychology 101: How Your Mind Affects Your Attitude & Emotions, The reader draws from the Philippians epistle that, “Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ: Who, being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human form.” This book contributes to the study of the mind and behavior. Topics range from mind and emotions to the importance of R.E.M. (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. Each chapter provides detailed information of a given theme, issues, and biblical perspectives of the subject known as psychology.
In Understanding the Book of Revelations & Current Day Events, The reader gets a verse-by-verse commentary of what the book of Revelation is really about. Included are: some of the catastrophic events that have occurred during the past few years; and you have a book revealing many end-time secrets and their fulfillment before the return of Christ through the millennium, to the Great White Throne Judgment, and into the Lake of Fire. A return to everything made over. Leave the fear behind and come journey through Revelation with us.
In Understanding & Operating Your Spiritual Gifts, Every believer has been granted one or more gifts by God to serve His flock. How can Christians know which spiritual gifts they have? This well-written and trusted study guide gives a clear and concise introduction to over 16 gifts, with definitions and an overview of how the gifts are used to edify the Body of Christ. The Spiritual Gifting Test has been added for believers to determine their primary and secondary gifts, and can be used in “gifts” workshops.
In Spiritual Authority of the Believer, A compelling study guide to be used in a Bible study class or group setting to better understand the saying of Jesus, “Occupy until I come.” One Theologian stated, “A few of us have barely gotten to the edge of that authority, but before Jesus comes again, there’s going to be a whole company of believers who will rise up and with the authority that is theirs… and they will do the work that God intended they should do.” You will be challenged as a believer to learn the secrets of victory through authority.
In The Mystery of the Godhead, The reader discovers through the writings of the Apostle Paul and other New Testament writers, a strong defense for the sovereignty of God using the Trinity within the Godhead. This study guide should be given to every believer just after their conversion, because it also outlines the identity, nature, and work of the Third Person in the Trinity: The Holy Spirit.
In Theology of Worship, Participants are invited to claim their true adoration unto the Lord whether individually or corporately. It outlines how true worship is of immense concern in the local assembly and sometimes can be controversial, in terms of the style of worship, as it relates to theological and biblical teaching on the subject.
In Christian Discipleship, The reader is lead into a true mature relationship with the Lord, in terms of being a disciple of Christ. The great German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it best, when he said, “Cheap grace is the mortal enemy of our church. Our struggle today is for costly grace.” This study guide outlines and explains what it means to follow Christ in a post-modern world beset by humanism (What’s best for me? How can I be satisfied?). In being a disciple of Christ, every call of Jesus is a call to death – denying oneself.
In Spiritual Protocol: Striving for a Ministry of Excellence, The study guide is a reference tool, produced to show laity the importance of respect, honor, and reverence, due at all times to those in church authority in the house of God. It is said that “many Christians attend churches that are out of divine order and alignment. These churches are characterized by dysfunction, contention and continuous infighting.” This guide was also written to assist the local church in embracing the Biblical mandate from Jesus to return to divine order which, in term, will bring glory and honor to God.
In Evangelism: A Passion for the Lost, The reader receives a clearer understanding of how Evangelism and Witnessing go hand-in-hand, even though, they are two separate entities: one points the person to the cross and the substitutionary sacrifice/atonement of Christ for every believer, while the other is more of a lifestyle that unbelievers see and inquire about Christ. This manual helps the believer to introduce Christ to those outside of the ark of safety and not get it wrong, but present the true Jesus, as seen throughout sacred scripture.
In Biblical/Christian Counseling 401: Focus on the Family, The reader comes to understand that there have been recent developments and research, new resources, and undivided attention given to areas, such as AIDS, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, eating disorders, and violence. This study guide is written with clarity and sensitivity, and is biblically sound in its foundation. The average reader will enjoy a wide range of issues, topics, and techniques in Christian counseling, ranging from, who is qualified to be a counselor to the work of the Holy Spirit.
In Function & Dysfunctional Families: How the Family System Works, There are many complex theories and proven patterns that make up a family. Discuss is centered around the roles of a functional family system that gives it structure and the miscues that make a family dysfunctional; why family members fight to embrace change; and the role of the ‘scapegoat’ and ‘black sheep’ that seem to get special attention in every family.
Sermon on the Mount, This Exposition of The Sermon on the Mount will answer some of the most pressing questions that every Christian encounters in their daily walk and journey through the Bible – the true interpretation of sacred scripture. Dr. Mike offers some profound insight on Matthew 5-7 and what it means to focus on our relationship with God and God alone.
Biblical Theology of the Old Testament: A Concise Study, In this concise study of A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament, Dr. Mike’s condensed exposition is designed to give the reader fresh insight and understanding of what God has done for us that can never be repaid; God has done something for us that will forever fill our hearts with thanksgiving and our souls with awe. He has taken us from the family of the damned and given us a place in the family of the redeemed.
Biblical Theology of the New Testament: A Concise Study, In this concise study of A Biblical Theology of the New Testament, Dr. Mike’s condensed exposition is designed to give the reader fresh insight and understanding to Biblical theological discipline; and a view of the divine relation of the various Books of the New Testament, in their chronological order, allowing you to have a front seat account of God’s truth, as the word of God unfolds.
Doctrine of Salvation: The Narrow Road that Leads to Heaven, In Christendom, the most important question and answer facing mankind, has been, “Which way to heaven?” This is also the most important decision that a person will ever make regarding their eternal destiny. The Apostle James sums up life perfectly, when he stated in 4:14, “Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” He is saying that life is frail and fragile, short, and death is certain. Dr. Mike hermeneutically explains Jesus’ sermon in Matthew 7, about the narrow and wide gates: it is important to go in through the narrow gate. The gate to destruction is wide, and the road that leads there is easy to follow. A lot of people go through that gate. But the gate to life is very narrow. The road that leads there is so hard to follow that only a few people find it.”
Interpreting the Scriptures: A Concise Study on Hermeneutics, In this concise teaching resource of, Interpreting The Scriptures, Dr. Mike’s main object is to equip the serious students of God’s Word, with knowledge on how to understand the meaning of the Bible. He presents nine straight-to-the-point and simple to understand chapters on basic Hermeneutics for interpreting Scripture and the applications for the life of the believer. The main focus of this booklet is not how to read the Bible but how to study the Bible, using biblical and theological interpretations, starting from a historical view to the culmination of the UNITY of the 66 books of the Bible. It was written in three different languages from three different continents, by 40 different authors, who were shepherds, kings, scholars, prophets, priest, and others, over a period of roughly 2000 years, which alone, makes the Bible a unique book, that contains the theme of God’s purpose which framed a unified framework of various forms or narrative, such as laws, poetry (psalms), preaching/teaching His Word, epistles (letters), and apocalyptic (end time).
Doctrine of Election: Chosen by God, Saints, the Doctrines of Election and Predestination are frequently misunderstood outside of Reformed Theology, which is simply the belief that sacred Scripture is the Word of God, and it has final authority when it comes to matters of faith. In this teaching seminar commentary on Ephesians 1, we will take time to carefully explain the purpose of a loving and sovereign God in His redemptive plan for sinful mankind; How uninfluenced, and before creation as outlined in Genesis 1, He (alone) had predetermined and in His own good pleasure, would choose certain people to be saved. Humanity wants to argue that this eliminates their ability to use their ‘free will’ to either choose Salvation or even to reject it as if the choice was truly theirs as unregenerated human beings. Theologian John Calvin said it best, “Now, election and predestination are but the exercise of God’s sovereignty in the affairs of salvation, and all that we know about them is what has been revealed to us in the Scriptures of truth. The only reason why anyone believes in election is because he finds it clearly taught in God’s Word.”