

What Does It Mean To Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus? (Mini-Book)




In this teaching series, Dr. Mike shows how these three earthly appetites, pleasure, money, and relationships, which some deem higher priorities, can void a person from taking up their crosses which are self-denial and sacrifice. When our Lord invited us to deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow Him, He was asking us to be an earthly example of Him, by taking a necessary journey toward perfection, toward transformation – a type of metamorphosis.

Our Lord, Jesus The Christ, took up His cross for our salvation, and then, He invited us to take up our crosses and follow Him, which means, presenting our bodies as a “living and holy sacrifice” —the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him. Conclusion of the matter: Living a Christ-centered life means devoting yourself totally to Jesus with your whole heart, soul and mind.


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