

A Father’s Love (Mini-Book)




Many Christians have had ‘bad’ relationships with their earthly father, and when they don’t get what they ask God, their heavenly Father for, they see Him, in the same light, as their earthly father; and some, think that God turns away from them in disgust and anger, when they commit, anything that may seem as though, it was an appearance of SIN! Many noted philosophers, such as Friedrich Nietzche, Sigmund Freud, and others, despised their fathers and yet, they’re the most quoted authorities, when it comes to the family.

In this teaching series, A Father’s Love, Dr. Mike breaks down the verse-by-verse account of the story found in Luke 15 of the Parable of the Lost Son. He details how God loves us, how He receives us, how He restores us, and how He rejoices over us.


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