
Dr. Mike Jones

Second Chances

By: Dr. Mike Jones

How many times have we heard our family and friends say, “I’m glad you’re not God!”  Because they know the person they’re talking too, if given the chance would do them in.

Thank God that we know Him as the God of a second chance– That He didn’t give up on us, but everytime they we failed, He helped us up, brushed us off, and told us (after we repented) get back in the race and finish your course that’s been set up for you, since the foundation of the world.  He says to us, “the work I started in you, I will perfect in you until I complete it.”

Saints, our God is longsuffering and merciful and merciful.  Numerous verses in the Word talks about His mercy being from everlasting-to-everlasing: Exodus 34:6– the Lord God is “merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.

Deuteronomy 4:31– For the Lord thy God is a merciful God.

Psalm 103:8– The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.

It is said that few people can appreciate God’s willingness to grant a second chance as much as the Old Testament prophet Jonah.  We will use an Old Testament example (Peter) to show that Jehovah God grants a second chance.

Using Jonah, we need a second chance when:

A)    We have evaded our responsibilities (read Jonah 1:2-3)
•     Jonah was guilty of knowing what to do but refusing to do it. (just like we do)
•     He wanted to get as far away as he could from the work he knew no one else could do but him.  (God has anointed each of us for a specific task)
•     Evading responsibilities rob us of assigned blessings to us.

B)    We are asleep and people are in danger and crying out for help.
•     Running from God exhausted Jonah and he fell asleep during a fierce storm.
(Sin cause us to drift away from God– become dull of hearing, in-sensitive to leading of the Spirit: This is called falling asleep physically and spiritually)

Note:    We often joked about saints falling asleep in the service, when in actually, the real tragedy is that many of them are asleep spiritually, too.


1.    When we realize we’ve blown it and admit it.  (Read Jonah 1:11-12) Also see David in Psalms 32:5 – I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.

2.    When we pray and repent (read Jonah 2:1-2, 7)

3.    When we keep the promise we’ve made unto God (read Jonah 2:9)

4.    When we hit the ground running.

When God grants YOU a second chance, the questions you need to as yourself– will you use it or blow it?

(Adapted from The God of A Second Chance; all Scripture references are taken from the KJV unless otherwise noted.)