
Dr. Mike Jones

right now counts forever!

As my theological mentor [Dr. Robert Charles Sproul] once stated, “Our Christian assertion is that there is more to our lives than ‘now.’ If there is not then even the now is meaningless. But we say now counts. Why? Now counts because we are creatures who have an origin and a destiny which is rooted and grounded in God.
There is no such thing as a meaningless moment. Since we’re made in God’s image and created for His eternal glory, everything we think, say, and do today matters forever. The question is, how should this truth direct our daily lives?”

Saints, this concept of, “Right Now Counts Forever,” should be front and center, not only for Believers, but for Sinners, too … who will also stand before a Holy God on the Day of Judgement, to give an account of their daily lives. They too ‘must’ focus their attention on the relevancy of present day, as well as to the eternal destinies, they, like us, will face.

The Apostle Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 15:13-19, “For if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, then all our preaching is useless, and your faith is useless. And we apostles would all be lying about God—for we have said that God raised Christ from the grave. But that can’t be true if there is no resurrection of the dead. And if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless and you are still guilty of your sins. In that case, all who have died believing in Christ are lost! And if our hope in Christ is only for this life, we are more to be pitied than anyone in the world.”

The Apostle is saying, the Corinthian Christians did not deny Jesus’ resurrection; they denied our resurrection. [Why?] Because they were influenced either by Greek philosophy or by the thinking of the Sadducees: forget about what is going to happen in the future … think present day.

Paul’s conclusion was: (1) No resurrection, then Jesus is not risen, and our preaching was in vain; (2) No resurrection, then we’re liars; (3) Worst yet, no resurrection, then we’re still in our sins,

Jesus, was not God, there was no complete sacrifice for sins.

He concludes by proving through the Word of God, that Jesus was resurrected, and for US, that’s why ‘NOW COUNTS’, because we are creatures who have an origin and a destiny that is rooted and grounded in God, alone.

Saints, since we as Believers know that God is SOVEREIGN, and that He reigns, everything that happens today has consequences that will last well into eternity. The church can see where the culture is headed, thus we must steer the Body of Christ in the opposite direction, so that the [real] church can stay pure, until the return of our Lord. It behoves us to girt up our loins, as expressed in 1 Peter 1:13-16, “So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world.” This simply means that we as a body of Believers, ‘must’ roll up our sleeves in these last days, and get even more serious about souls and the return of Christ. Some saints must also get rid of loose and sloppy thinking; to work overtime bringing their minds under control, in terms of what they’re thinking about. When Jesus returns, the only way we will be able to stand before Him on that crucial day is because of the unmerited favor He gives and will give to us: Glory!

Saints, the ‘Fullness of the Gentiles’ era is quickly coming to a closure. We know what is over the horizon for the unsaved. We must be about our Father’s business, in these last hours, to warn the unsaved about the judgement that awaits them. Some have asked, “How do we ‘truly’ witness to an unbeliever” Here are the necessary steps:

The First Step to Witnessing

The first step is actually to find out where they are in terms of their interest in accepting Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. It’s very important to access the person’s interest, understanding and readiness so that you will be able to determine how to proceed. Ask them the standard question, “So have you ever realized your need to make a commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ?”

After you have engaged them in meaningful conversation, you need to follow-up in these three areas:

  • OBSERVE – How interested was the person in answering your initial question in the previous paragraph? If their initial reaction was of defensiveness, don’t push the subject any further.

Only God knows their heart in terms of whether or not you broke through. Your willingness to back off may be just what the doctor ordered to lower their defenses. And by being sensitive enough to know when to back off (witnessing), the person will feel as though you’re enthusiastic about your faith and not some fanatic who is trying to push their beliefs down someone else’s throat.

  • UNDERSTANDING – If the person you’re witnessing to does show interest in knowing more about Jesus, and your relationship with Him, then it’s important for you to find out how much they actually know about Jesus and His Lordship as expressed throughout the gospels.

Their comprehension of the gospel is important because some people have been in church since they were in their youth and are finally ready to make a solid commitment to receiving Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Ask them a few questions to determine if they truly understand God’s plan of salvation. It is extremely important that the person knows and understands what you are asking them to commit to.

  • READINESS – Finally, make sure the person is sincerely ready to make the commitment. Show them a level of excitement concerning the life-time decision they are making. [Note: If the person is hesitant about making the decision to follow Christ – don’t you get discourage because the Apostle

Paul stated in I Corinthian 3:6, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. “Your call in that person’s life may be ONLY to plant the seed of God’s word and the next chapter of that individual’s life, someone is to come along and water the seed sown… but God will ultimately get the victory for bringing another soul into His kingdom.] You will meet enough people in your life time that will be ready to make an immediate decision for Christ through your effective witnessing. So don’t get discouraged.

Also, it’s important to know that Satan isn’t going to play dead while you invade his territory. At this juncture of your successful witnessing, Satan will be working in the background to strike fear in the both of you. He starts by bringing foolish thoughts to your mind concerning how successful you are witnessing. For example, he will try to make you think, “Am I getting through to this person?” “What if I pray for him/her and nothing happens?” Remember, Apostle Paul informed his spiritual son Timothy (2 Timothy 1:7) that, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

This is an important verse to the believer, because it denotes one’s authority given to the believer by our Lord, Jesus, the Christ. We are to occupy until He returns—which means to rule in His stead until He returns from heaven to receive His body (the church) into His glory.

What does the verse mean when it says, “a spirit of fear?” The Greek word, which can also be translated “timidity,” denotes a cowardly, shameful fear caused by a weak, selfish character. When we see the word “power” in the verse, it’s confirming to us that God has already given believers all the spiritual resources they need for every trial and threat. The word “love” centers on pleasing God and seeking others’ welfare before one’s own. Last but not least, the words “sound mind” refers to a disciplined and self- controlled mind that knows how to prioritize activities and events; by focusing on God’s sovereignty who allows believers to control their lives with Godly wisdom and confidence in every situation.

Ready to Make the Big Decision

Now that you’ve help prepare the person’s heart to receive Christ… if the person is ready, are you ready?

Here are a few helpful hints:

  • Relax – The Holy Spirit has brought you two into fellowship with Him and (now) each other. He’s not going to feel you now! He will assist you in leading that person to Christ as savior. In Exodus 4:12; Jeremiah 1:7, and Matthew 10:19 –20, the Lord instructs whomever He’s using not to be afraid when they’re in the mist of someone they’re to deliver a Word to, “… do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the spirit of your Father who speaks in you.”
  • Forget about formulas – Many times when witnessing we feel so nervous because we don’t know the perfect prayer for leading people to Christ. In truth, there is no magic formula. All the person really needs is a repented heart and encouragement for you as to how to approach God for His salvation that He offers those that will come unto Him who labor and are heavy laden, and He will give them rest. He instructs us to take His yoke upon us and learn from Him, for He is gentle and lowly in heart, and we will find rest for our souls. For His yoke is easy and His burden is light. (St. Matthew 11:29-30).
  • Pray together – Find a quiet place where you two will not be disturbed. This is a good practice because the person you’re leading to Christ will feel somewhat unsure about their ability to pray. This method will cause the person to welcome your willingness to help them and later, you will be blessed to know you made them feel more confident about their decision to follow Christ, and that you’re their witness to that fact.
  • Pray – For the sake of clarity both of you ought to pray together out loud. Why? Because the person you’re leading to the Lord may not be that sensitive to the leading to the Holy Spirit, since they’re just now receiving Christ; but remind them that you’re there to support and they have the freedom to express their feelings to God just the same as they have expressed their feelings to you. [It’s very important that you illustrate how natural it is to talk to the Lord. Show them various techniques, such as how to approach God in their child like faith and how to honor Him before you make a request in Jesus name.

(Now) Encourage them to pray to God in their own way and you simply listen to their petition. Remember, they’re focusing on two things: 1) Their need for God’s forgiveness through Christ’s death on Calvary’s Cross; and 2) their desire for God’s leadership in their life. When they have made those two requests, encourage the person to end the prayer by glorifying, magnifying, and honoring God the Father because He’s the power and the glory forever and ever Amen.

After the person you’ve witness to have ended their prayer of thanksgiving for God saving their soul, it’s vitally important that you show your gratitude to the Lord and the “new believer” by quoting this important verse concerning the salvation of one soul. “…there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who needs repentance (St. Luke 15:7).