
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: You’re consistently heard saying, “Some are preaching/teaching ‘elements of truth,’ from Scripture, but, it’s NOT the Gospel.” Will you elaborate on that?

A: Without being lengthy in my explanation, what I am consistently making reference to, is the number of Christian messages saints are hearing weekly from some televangelists, on the various Church Networks, who are getting crowds of church people fired-up for a “move of God,” and in the midst, they are selling their wares – vials of water from the River Jordan, miracle coins, etc. Add those things in with the brand of Gospel they are preaching – “How to write your own check with God;” “God wants YOU happy:” And, “Tell God what YOU want … and YOU want it right now;” are no more than elements of the ‘Seeker-Friendly Church Movement,’ that’s prevalent in the earth today, operating parallel to the true, life transforming church.

The Gospel is “good news,” but for us, as being human beings, it begins with bad news, that we have a serious problem: Jehovah God is holy and righteous, and we are not. And at the end of our lives, we are going to stand before this holy and righteous God, to be judged. The ‘good news’ for us is found in 2nd Corinthians 5:21, “For God made Christ, Who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ. [Translated: God placed all of our filthiness and unrighteousness upon His son Jesus, the Christ: and after His substitutionary sacrifice at Calvary (in our place), Christ, in return, took His righteous robe and placed it upon us; therefore, Father God sees us, through Christ’s righteousness.]

The church has become somewhat influenced by the culture, that we live in: and it tries extremely hard not to offend anyone, inside and outside the church – inside by telling the saints, “You can have a purpose to your life,” which is true, but it doesn’t get to the heart of what is the Gospel. And, outside by telling unbelievers, “Come to Christ and He will solve all your problems;” which is not found anywhere in the pages of sacred Scripture. So, we do this group an injustice, by not telling them what fate awaits them after death, for rejecting God’s ONLY plan of Salvation – accepting Christ’s redemptive work on Calvary’s Cross. 

My final thought: When talking to most unbelievers, they honestly believe that holy God grades on a curve – their good deeds must out way their evil deeds. Some go as far as to say, “When I’m ready to be saved, I’ll make that decision!” What a sad statement coming from a desperate person. The god of this world has blinded their minds to believe that lie. They are so far removed from our holy and righteous God, and His Word, they don’t even realize that God has to ‘grant’ them Grace and Saving Faith, to receive His offer of Salvation.

I hope this helps.