
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: What do you think is the average Christian’s understanding of God?

A:I can only give my opinion based on what I’ve observed from the local church viewpoint, as well as the ‘drama’ that played out on national TV, in the name of Christianity.

Like most noted theologians and scholars, I too believe we have a biblical literacy problem in Christendom. Current statistics bear the facts out: read some of the major Christian researchers’ findings, such as, The Barna Research Group, LifeWay Research, The Pew Research Center, and Gallup poll – you will end up with these words from your lips, when you finish reviewing the statistical data;  “Oh … God!”

Only 45% of those who ‘regularly’ attend a church service, read their Bible more than once a week. In other words, 1 out of every 5 persons interviewed as churchgoers, say, they never read the Bible.

Therefore, when asked some basic Bible questions, such as, “Name the four gospels?” “Name Christ’s 12 disciples?” Very few people interviewed could answer either of those two questions correctly. And last, but not least, America considers herself a ‘Christian Nation,’ and yet, when a vast number of Americans were interviewed and asked the biblical question, “Who preached The Sermon on the Mount?” The majority response was, Billy Graham. Keep in mind, that America is not a ‘Christian Nation’ but a nation that has Christians in it.

There is much that can be biblically stated, as to why the average Christian has very little understanding of who is Jehovah God. But we will conclude with a couple of major areas that have hindered the maturity of Christians, in terms of understanding who God is, through His word.

One area is denying the ‘Fullness of the Godhead’. In some Christian circles, you hear messages only about God the Father, others, God the Holy Spirit, and Jesus only. The Bible teaches God’s Triune nature – one in His existence, but three in his persons. God the Father (creation), God the Son (redemption), and God the Holy Spirit (operational in the Church). We know that Christians worship one God who manifested Himself in three distinct persons in the Godhead, and it’s called “The Mystery of the Godhead,” as expressed in 1 Timothy 3:16.

The second major area: churches marginalizing biblical knowledge – which is another way of saying church leadership giving very little time to the most critical doctrines found throughout sacred Scripture. When was the last time you heard a sound biblical teaching on subjects, such as, the Holiness of God, the Sovereignty of God, the Providence of God, the Wrath of God, the Attributes of God, etc. The message of the ‘Gospel’ has been substituted with a whole lot of popular sermons, on How to write your own check with God, God wants everyone wealthy and healed, God wants you to be happy, etc; so, when the real trials of life come (and they will, because we live in a fallen world), this group has no solid foundation to stand on, because of what Jesus said, in His teaching on the Parable of the Sower, in Matthew 13. He said in verses 20-21, “The seed on the Rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems, or are persecuted for believing God’s Word.”

Last but not least, various television series, whether through drama and/or comedy have done an injustice in promoting healthy Christian values by showing the church, in darkness, rather than its glorious light; thus, giving people the impression, the church doesn’t offer much hope.

An example of this would be the popular/talked about American Television Series: Oprah Winfrey Network, called ‘Greenleaf.’ This is how it’s introduced to us throughout the internet: “The Greenleaf family, which runs sprawling Memphis megachurch Calvary Fellowship World Ministries, appears to be a loving and caring clan. Beneath the surface, though, exists scandalous secrets and lies. Greed, adultery and sibling rivalry are among the issues that threaten to test the family’s faith and tear the group apart.” 

We must return to sound biblical teaching, and let the chips fall where they may. 2 Corinthians 4:4, says it best, “Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.”

Comments (2)
  • November 18, 2018

    Greetings Dr. Mike
    What a profound teaching regarding Christian’s u understanding of God. It is because the church has become filled with entertainment. We must remember the Church was designed to be an educational institution modeling our Rabbi The great teacher Jesus Christ. Not a religious institution mimicking the traditions of that which is oft times, not sound doctrine. It is our responsibility as believers and disciples of Christ to continue fashioning ourselves in the image and likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    We must teach and Preach the principles and Oracles of our Creator; and as disciples of Christ It starts with learning.

    God Bless you. Keep spreading the good news!

    Pastor J. Pamela Franks
    Spirit of Excellence Ministries
    Columbia, MD.

  • November 24, 2018
    Laura Howard Jackson

    Attend church regularly give tithes and try to treat others like you want to be treated. After being preached in Where are the ordained teachers. It will all have to begin with knowledge. There’s worldly knowledge & there’s spiritual knowledge. For salvation we need spiritual knowledge. What did God say in hosea 4:4? It’s time to eat from the tree of the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil. It’s time to seek the kingdom of God. But how can one seek the kingdom of God when they don’t even know what the kingdom of God is? Folk are being preached to death. We’re being told to read the entire bible in a year. Yet scripture says search the scriptures;for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me. Jn.5:39. He tells us in Is. 55:8&9 that his thoughts & ways are so so much higher than ours. Christians are not being held accountable for getting in their bibles. Just like in the worldly school we need to go to Bible school & 2 be held accountable. Give assignments & be held accountable for. Whatever it takes to get you hooked on the word or coming to God for your souls sake. He did come into me. Me is the Bible is written of Jesus. Without Jesus where are you going? John 14:6. Knowledge knowledge knowledge. Knowledge of good & knowledge of evil. You’ll need to know both in order to make a choice according to Deu.30:19&20. We’re being preached to gain the world when you’re a child of God. How can you be a child of God with no money a fine house and car etc. But they fail to read about our cross as a child of God its found in 1 John 2:15&16.SMH!😚🙏

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