
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: “We would like to know, if a sinner can ‘REPENT” in a desperate moment of a crisis, meaning, they’re on their death-bed, and still receive the same salvation as a person, who’s been a Christian most of their earthly life?”


A: I’ve been in many debates over this ‘tricky’ question with many noted Bible colleagues of mine, even during fellowship periods at conferences, because they too have been asked this same question, during Q & A Sessions with their members, family and friends.

And to be truthful about this so-called ‘Death-Bed Confession’, true (born again) believers get up and arms, when they hear this question (even) being discussed because, their consensus is always, “We endure to the end; we fight the good fight of faith; we’re persecuted for righteous sake; we’re hated by all because  of the name of Christ, … and some have even been kill; and YOU’RE going to tell ME, that someone who’s heard the Gospel for years, and basically rejected it, and now on their death-bed, with a few days of life left in them ask, God to save them, that they will get the ‘same’ SALVATION as a true believer?”

We have to acknowledge that Jesus knew this question would come up during our time, so, He gave us a glimpse of the answer in two passages of scripture that we’re all familiar with. Turn to Matthew 19:16-30, where Jesus encounters the rich young ruler – who went away from Jesus sad, after our Lord told him to go sell his goods and come follow Him.

After much conversation with His disciples who had given ‘all’ to follow Him, Jesus said, “But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” Our Lord reiterates this same truth later in Matthew 20, concerning the first group of laborers who were hired to go into the vineyard and work, for a specific wage, and the last group that was hired later that day, for the same wage. To be brief in my explanation, Jesus was simply pointing out that both groups would get the same pay in Heaven – ETERAL LIFE!

The second example that I want to use, would be how the thief on the Cross in Luke 23: 32-43, who was about to be crucified for his deeds, repented before Jesus, and asked Him to remember “Me” when you come into your kingdom. And Jesus said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with me in Paradise.”

So, we see here in these two Biblical examples that it is possible for a person with only a short span of breath left in their body to repent sufficiently, believe, and be justified, and to gain entrance into eternal life, in God’s kingdom.

In conclusion, I sincerely believe that this is a small number of individuals that come into the kingdom, this way, because we see throughout the Book of Revelation that, during the time of Tribulation, many who were facing death, cried out to God for mercy and repented: as soon as God applied His mercy and the catastrophes subsided, the Bible stated, they returned to their sinful ways. The point I’m attempting to make is, with Holy God, it is a “HEART” issue. He knows the cry of REPENTANCE from a sincere heart, as oppose to a heart that cries out from sheer terror/fear of not knowing what awaits them on the other side of this life.

And last but not least, earlier I indicated that those that make it into Heaven by the old saying, “the skin of their teeth,’ will receive what every believer receives, ETERNAL LIFE! But for those of us that have fought the good fight, kept the faith, and finished the course, there awaits us REWARDS in Heaven for being obedient to the call, according to Matthew 5:12Luke 6:23351 Corinthians 3:149:18.

I hope this explanation has shared a little more understanding of this question!

Comments (3)
  • September 16, 2018
    Dr. J

    AWESOME teaching, Dr. Mike

  • September 18, 2018
    Richard Lewis

    Good teaching and wonderful explanation!. I would like to say to those who are upset about this answer, now you need to self exam yourself as to why you’re upset because another soul has made it to heaven. Whether it be 1 day or 2000 days of toiling in the vineyard, we should still be rejoice-full, not bitter!

  • September 25, 2018
    Janice Riley

    This question has nothing to do with how long someone has been saved but, rather, if someone did what Jesus said HAD TO BE DONE in order see and enter the Kingdom of God (Heaven), which is, to be BORN OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT (Jn 3:3-8). Furthermore, Jesus said that he who believes and is baptized shall be saved and he who believeth not shall be damned. (Mk. 16:16) Jesus, gave his disciples (apostles) understanding of who he is and his teaching. (Lk. 24:44-49). Putting it all together with Mt. 28:19-20, the apostles understood that the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is Jesus. Therefore, on the Day of Pentecost when Peter was asked “what must we do,” he answered with repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission (forgiveness/washing away/cleansing) of sins, and receive the Holy Ghost. (Acts 2:38) Peter and the other apostles, taught others to observe what Jesus taught them as they went out into the world. Therefore, the salvation process as instituted by Jesus Christ when he spoke to Nicodemus and practiced by the apostles MUST BE FOLLOWED.

    As far as DEATH BED CONFESSION is concerned, it does not line up with the word of God regarding salvation for there is no such scripture. Furthermore, the thief on the cross was still under the dispensation of LAW and not in today’s dispensation of grace where the instructions for salvation are to be followed by true believers. So the thief’s request of “remember me” could be granted because he believed that the Lord was on that cross and could mercifully save him.

    Concerning the “first shall be last and the last shall be first,” that is applicable on to those who received salvation according to the instructions taught by Peter in Acts 2:38 as Jesus taught him and the other apostles to follow.

    Always remember that God is not only a God of love and mercy, giving everyone a chance to repent and be saved, but he is a God of Justice and will not always strive with man.

    One says that he/she is a believer. What is the difference between you and the devil, for the devil believes and trembles. The difference should be that the true believer TRUSTS AND OBEYS GOD’S WORD to the fullest!

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