
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: Should The Unconverted Take Communion?

Q: I was in fellowship with a group of church leaders, recently, and the conversation was about NOT serving unbelievers Communion? Can You share a little insight on this subject for us? Thanks!

A: I’m honored to be asked to comment on such a holy, consecrated event that takes place in the house of God, on a monthly basis. As lead Elder doing this important event, I take nothing for granted, but to make sure every element of the Communion Service is properly rendered.

So, with that in mind, to answer your question biblically and theologically, the answer, is, the Lord’s Table is NOT for everyone. I can hear the minds and heartbeats of those that are thinking, “But wait, on Communion Sunday [basically], everyone in the congregation partake of the elements of Communion; and we know that everyone in our congregations aren’t biblically saved!”

Correct: but stay with me for a minute. What I’m saying is this: the Lord’s Table is for those who have professed and possess faith in the Lordship of Christ. That’s why it’s called ‘Communion’ (common union with Christ), or those that are in fellowship with Christ.

What we as leaders fail to do, is to take time, during the year, to explain the Communion text that is found in 1 Corinthian 11:23-32, which was written by Apostle Paul from Ephesus, 25 years after Christ’s death, burial and resurrection in 32 AD.

I want to conclude this Q&A, by, reading a few passages from the text along with its application, and then make a final comment on this important issue.

In verses 24 & 25, Christ says, “As often as you eat (My body) and drink (My blood), it in remembrance of Me.” Application: Christ is saying, after I am gone, I want you to remember Me and my work/sacrifice, every time you take Communion.

In verse 26, “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.” Application: Christ is saying, those that I am in “common union” with, eat and drink in FAITH, because what you deserve (Hell), God doesn’t give it to you; but what you don’t deserve (Heaven/Salvation), He gives it to you as a gift. So, when we partake of the Lord’s Supper, we proclaim to the unbelievers [visually], that we have someone (Christ), who became our substitutionary sacrifice on the Cross, for the forgiveness of our SINS that God accepted.

After gloriously explaining the body and blood sacrifice in the previous verses, then in verses 27 & 28 which talks about partaking Communion in a unworthily (improper) manner (because we have already discussed that none of us are worthy of sitting down at the Lord’s Table/Supper) – the Apostle Paul is saying, “Now you know how important this matter of taking Communion is, don’t play with it or take it lightly, because some have without examining themselves, in terms of their attitude, heart, etc., and have NOT REPENTED before taking Communion, and have half-heartedly taken the Lord’s Supper, which dishonors, even to the point hat many Christians, as a result, end up sick, weak, and some premature death. That’s why 1 John 1:9 [“If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just [true to His own nature and promises], and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness [our wrongdoing, everything not in conformity with His will and purpose].”], is so important for a true believer.

For the unconverted: pardon me while I use an old idiomatic expression: let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. For example, the Apostle Paul labeled the Corinthian Church “CARNAL” and it was there he introduced the Communion Service. The point that I’m attempting to make is, he instructed them to move from ‘drinking milk’ as babes in Christ, to moving on to ‘Christian maturity’ – a growing up stage. So, for those who are new to Christendom, just walked in the doors of the Church, and have no understanding of customs, traditions, nor commandments, let’s not take the approach of the Pharisee, in the story of the two men that went up to the Temple, in Luke 18, but be more like the Tax collector, in the story.

Let’s be patient with them, while God deals with their hearts, as they grow in biblical truth, as we continue to teach sound doctrine each week, and those outside of Christendom, that grace our services, until they become true disciples of Christ.

Comments (2)
  • August 20, 2018
    Mark Harvey

    Thank you Dr Mike for providing valuable insights about the Sacrament of Communion as illustrated in the Holy Scriptures. The public fellowship of Communion should succeed the public confession of belief in Christ and identification with Him by baptism. That being said we “should not prevent” the repentant heart from partaking while the Grace of God moves them into deeper truths and obedience to His Word. Thanks again for shining the light of the Word on something that some of us may not have given much thought. You are appreciated!

    • September 3, 2018
      Emmett Driggers

      Greetings Dr. Mike Jones,
      I take this time to say I appreciate the gifts of the most high God in you. I am blessed by your God inspired teaching.

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