
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: Is There A Set Time To Praise and To Worship God?

Q: Hello sir; I have a question. Someone mentioned to me the other day that they believe there is a time to praise and a time to worship. What are your thoughts? I believe there is no specific set time, for God is to be worshiped by our lifestyle, not just in church service moments (John 4:23). Praise is demonstrated audibly and visibly and is not limited by space, place or time…Psalm 34, 150.

A: Reverend; It is indeed an honor to hear from you and attempt to answer your question in a satisfactory manor: I agree with you in terms of “No set time!” I honestly believe the person was speaking as a ‘figure of speech;’ meaning, some times,I feel like, just praising Him, and other times, I feeling just throwing up My hands in giving God a Shabach praise, because He’s Holy and so gracious to ME!

As you’re aware, there are three words that are closely associated with each other: thanksgiving, praise and worship; and yet they are distinct. We thank God for what He does for us, and we praise God for His greatness, but worship relates us to God in His holiness. In Psalm 100, it says, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.” We know those are two steps of approach to God. You come into the gates with thanksgiving, and then you move farther into the courts with praise. But neither of those is worship. Thanksgiving and praise are essentially utterances of our mouths. Worship is primarily an attitude: which leads us to various postures, like bowing the head, extending the arms with hands reaching upwards, etc.