Q: What Are Some Of The Religious Persuasions Prevalent In The Earth Today?
Q: What are some of the religious persuasions prevalent in the earth today?
A: That is indeed a good question, because many people seem to simply concentrate on various Religious groups, more so than what is the religious beliefs of some.
(1) PANTHEISM – is a form of religion that states, all things of the universe are part of a single substance that you may call God. These are all finite things that we are aware of and that we see.
(2) POLYTHEISM – is the belief in many gods. Hinduism also falls into this category. Basically every living creature in their domain is considered “sacred.”
(3) DUALISM – is the belief that God and Satan are ONE, and they operate together. It states, “If I do good, I am on God’s side. If I do badly, I am on Satan’s side.” Dualist believes that God and Satan are one and there’s a good side of God and a bad side.
(4) DEISM – is the religious belief that God created the world, rested as recorded in religious history;He then turned the earth over to mankind for him to rule as he sees fit, without any heavenly intervention. Simply stated, God created the world and left it alone. If men kill each other, so be it; God just sits back and let them do it.
(5) ANIMISM – is the religious belief that all things are alive with some form of a spirit. For example, a marker, a car, etc., has feelings.
(6) MONOTHEISM – is the religious belief in ONE God. The Church of Jesus Christ is monotheistic. In Deuteronomy 6:4-5, the Bible says, “Hear, 0 Israel: The LORD our God [is] one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”
In conclusion, in order for mankind to satisfy his need for God, he must seek him the right way: 1. Diligently, 2. Humbly, 3. Honestly, and 4. Obediently.