
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: How Much Power Does Satan Have?

Q: I’m a young Christian; and my question is, “How much Power does Satan have?”

A: The thing to remember is that ONLY GOD is “OMNI” (ALL in ALL). As one
Christian teacher so eloquently stated, “The basic Christian theology centers around the proposition that there is “one Almighty” omnipotent; omniscient, omnipresent, omni-benevolent
“God” (embodied in Jesus), and one less-powerful, less-knowing, less-present, all-evil devil-god named “Satan.” A host of “angels,” “demons,” “spirits,” and other supposedly immaterial entities of varying superhuman but less-than-supreme power accompany, assist, and obey either “God” (good) or “Satan” (evil).

When I say God is “OMNI” (All in All), what does it really mean? God is omnipotent simply means that God is all-powerful; nothing is beyond His capability. God is omniscient simply means that God is all knowing; nothing is beyond His knowledge. God is omnipresent simply means that God is everywhere in the universe at all times at the same time. Nothing is beyond His reach. God is omni-benevolent simply means God is ALWAYS good, incapable of doing evil because of His AGAPE (love).

Satan is not omnipresent – he cannot be in more than one place at anyone time. His domain is in the second heavens and demons do his work for him and report back and forth (from the second heaven to earth). The Bible does not teach us that Satan is indeed very powerful, because he persuaded a third of the heavenly host to follow him into rebellion, according to Revelation 12:4. The Bible calls him the “ruler of the kingdom of the air.”