
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: What Are Some Important Facts About The Kingdom Of God?

Q: You and Bishop James Briscoe did an outstanding job during the two month series on “Important Facts about the Kingdom of God.” I wrote down some of them, and would like to know a few more; can you list some of them for us to keep in remembrance on a daily basis? Thanks for your SPIRITUAL NUGGETS you give us each week, Dr. Mike.

A: Thank you for your kind words: Below, I’ve listed several more to live by on a daily basis, as a child of God. Know your Biblical rights – whose YOU are and who YOU are:

Everyone in the Kingdom is equally adored/accepted by God – John 1:12 “All He received, gave rights to be called Sons/Daughter; Everyone’s talent/gifts are needed in the Kingdom – 1 Corinthians 12&14 all gifts are important … best is LOVE; Wisdom is available to everyone in the Kingdom – James 1:5 Ask God … Eph 1:17 God gives spirit of wisdom/revelation; FAITH in the spoken word is the LIFE of the Kingdom – Luke 4 “For it is written” … Isaiah 55:11 Word will accomplish; Nothing just happens in the Kingdom – Romans 8:28 All things work together for His good; Mercy is new every morning in the Kingdom – Psalm 5916 I will sing aloud of your mercies in the morning; There are chains of authority in the Kingdom – 1 Cor 11:1 God/Christ/Man/Woman/child; then we to one another; You will reap what you sow in the Kingdom – Galatians 6:7 God is not mocked – You reap what you sow