
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: If God Is Sovereign, Then Why Do We Have To Pray, Knowing That It’s Not Going To Change His Mind?

Q: If God is sovereign, and I believe that He is, then, why do we have to pray, knowing that it’s not going to change the mind of God?

A: As you so graciously stated, our sovereign God not only invites us but commands us to pray. Why? Because prayer is our Christian duty, and as we develop our prayer life, we change and we come more in line with what God’s Will is for our lives, thus becoming better prayer warriors. To have a daily perfected prayer life, is to live a life of obedience to God. How often have we heard Christians say, “I want to develop a good prayer life!” Jesus rose to pray early in the morning, we find in scripture that He prayer in the evening, and at night. He was consistent in everything that He did. The more we develop in prayer, the more aware of the “hand of Providence” (God’s sovereignty) in our lives, and we simply shower Him with a gratitude of thanksgiving. A final point to be made: part of the process that God uses to bring His sovereign will to pass here in the earth realm, are the prayers of His people. So, let’s pray and keep on praying!