
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: Dr. Mike, What Does The Bible Say About Christians Owning Guns?

Q: “Dr. Mike, what does the Bible say about Christians owning guns?”

A: That is a good question, my friend! I’m sure this question is based on the amount of violence we have seen/witnessed here in the States as well as around the world. We also know that some Christians march around State and Federal prisons at night, when someone is due to be executed at midnight. They say Christians are to be forgiven (true) and Exodus 20:13 says, “Thou shall not kill.” Little do they know that this verse make reference to premeditated murder: if someone sits down and plan out how to take another person’s life, and do so, then, they are subject to the laws of the land, and their life may be required of them.
Throughout the Bible, we see examples of noted Bible characters, such as the apostles, who carried weapons, such as a sword. Remember in Luke 22:37-38, the night of Jesus’ betrayal, He permitted His disciples to bring two swords with them to the Mount of Olives for protection. Also, the night He was being arrested, Peter cut off the ear of one of the servants of the high priest: Jesus healed the man instantly, then commanded Peter to put away his sword, because those that live by the sword, eventually die by it, if used wrongly.

Nowhere in sacred scripture does the Bible condemn a believer for owning a gun, but there are some basic Biblical principles that Christian owners should consider. In Matthew 5:10 of the “Be Attitudes” we are admonished to be peacemakers. We should only use a weapon for self-defense (family included), or if we were in the military for protecting our country, etc., which are areas that honor God, as expressed in Romans 13.
In conclusion, as a Christian, you’ve not committed any sinful act by owning a gun, if you’ve lawfully obtained it and you have the right understanding and motives for owning it.