
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: Dr. Mike, in this end time we’re hearing (more) the term ‘Christian Worldview;’ please explain it in layman’s terminology? Thanks.

Q: Dr. Mike, in this end time we’re hearing (more) the term ‘Christian Worldview;’ please explain it in layman’s terminology? Thanks.

A: As the Lord closes out His Dispensation of Grace, we’re going to hear more worldview philosophies surface, such as, postmodernism, moral relativism, existentialism, pantheism, etc. All used in some fashion or form to explain the non-existence of a holy and merciful God.  And in their explanation(s), they sometimes will use these two words, ‘Christian worldview’ and ‘Biblical worldview’ interchangeably.

[George] Barna Research Group, a Christian Statistical Organization, recently completed a nationwide survey, and found that only 4 percent of Americans connected with a ‘biblical worldview.’  And even a more sad state of affairs, when so-called ‘born-again’ believers were surveyed, it was determined that only 9 percent upheld the Christian worldview.

The term worldview refers to how we view reality and make sense of life and of the world.  For example, a toddler believes he’s the center of his world, a postmodernist believes the material world is all that exists in his world, and a Hindu believes the goal of life is for the soul to merge with God. It should be noted that every person has some type of worldview, which is a summation of all they believe to be true, which is the driving force behind every emotion, decision, and subsequent action.

The Christian worldview believes our primary reason for existence is to reverence God (Love) and keep His commandments, all the days of our earthly lives. Our worldview is based on the infallible Word of God.  And when we sincerely believe that the Bible is truly the Word of God, then we allow the scriptures to be the foundation of everything we say and do.

Both worldviews deal with these three basic questions concerning life:

  1. Where did we come from?
  2. Why is the world in the mess it’s in?
  3. What can we do to fix it?

The world viewpoint is: everything derived from natural process and causes and we don’t need supernatural or spiritual explanations (The term is called: Naturalism)

The Christian viewpoint is: we are God’s creation; we sinned against Him and subjected the entire world to a curse; and only God (Himself) can redeem mankind—and He did, through His Son – Jesus the Christ.

Conclusion:  A Christian worldview matters because if we don’t believe the truth of God’s word, and apply it to our lives, then our witnessing to the unbeliever will become confusing and misleading.  We are admonished by the Word of God in Romans 12:2, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that  Ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”

Comments (1)
  • April 18, 2016
    Keri (West)Lee

    Hi Dr. Mike,
    my father in law asked me a few weeks ago what is the difference between children of God and sons of God. He is a skeptic and was trying to compare Jesus being a son of God and us being also sons of God so I said I would ask someone I know that is more of a bible scholar than I am and get back to him. Since I keep forgetting to ask you I thought I could get my question to you this way. How should I answer him regarding this question and where could it be found in scripture to back it up? Thanks in advance for your response.

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