
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: How Can I Avoid Stagnation In My Personal Christian Growth?

Q: I love The Lord And Don’t Want My Personal Christian Growth To Ever Become Stagnated. How Can I Avoid Stagnation?

A:   I’ll start by repeating what one of my mentors said, when asked the same identical question. He said, “There’s one, one absolute way to prevent our Christian growth from stagnation, and that’s to DIE!” Trust me when I say, it’s the only time Christian growth stops for a believer: because at that point we don’t need to grow anymore, because of the glorified state we’d be in. Remember what Jesus told His disciples, “If you continue in My Word, then you are truly my disciple” [John 8]. If you are daily being true to God’s word, and walking upright before Him to the best of your ability, then don’t be overcome by your feelings—outward appearance. Remember, discipleship is a discipline: and if you find yourself falling short— seek wise counsel.