
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: For Believers, is there a difference between being called ‘Sons of God’ and ‘Children of God’?

Q: Dr. Mike, this is a question that I’ve been meaning to ask you for the past couple of weeks, because one of my loving relatives is a skeptic when it comes to us being called ‘Children of God’ and at other times in Scripture, ‘Sons of God,’ as was Jesus. Can you explain the difference in the terminologies?

 A: Good question (Woman of God … smile)!

Without being somewhat lengthy in my explanation, I’ll simply start off by saying that the two phrases are used ‘interchangeably” throughout the Greek text of Scripture.

However, we find in the Old Testament that the phrase ‘Sons of God’ are used more, because of the heavenly (angelic) overtone; for examples, in Genesis 6 and Job 1. Also, in the Gospel of Luke 20:36, you will see where Jesus [Himself], spoke of the “resurrected dead as the ‘Sons of God’ who are like angels.” But after His death, burial, and resurrection, you will find the phrase “Children of God,” who will reign with Christ in His Kingdom, used by the New Testament authors (based on what Bible version is used). Also, remember the phrases are used to distinguish the ‘Believers’ from non-believers.

And to tackle why Christ was called the ‘Son of God’ as well as the ‘Son of Man’ is another area of biblical-theology!