
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: Where Are The “Believer’s Crowns” Listed In Scripture?

Q: We have heard you mention five “Believer’s Crowns.” Where are they listed in scripture?

A: There may be as many as seven (God’s number for completion) listed throughout the New Testament, but for time sake, I’ll only mention the five that you’ve heard me teach on.

The Bible says that there are rewards, or crowns, set aside for those that dedicate themselves to Christ.The Judgment Seat of Christ is the place where all of the deeds that we have done, after we’ve become Christians are examined to determine whether they be good or bad works. The Word “BAD” refers to our deeds that we have done according to God’s purpose.  It had nothing to do with our SINS, because they were paid for at the CROSS — but every deed has consequences.

Incorruptible Crown (or Everlasting Crown – ‘Victory’) 1Cor 9:25; Crown of Rejoicing – Soul Winner’s Crown Phil 4:1 & 1Thess 2:19; Crown of Life James 1:12 & Rev 2:10; Crown of Glory – Pastor’s Crown 1Peter 5:4; and Crown of Righteousness 2 Tim 4:8. Regardless of which of these crowns or how many YOU might receive: The most important factor in all this is to be found standing at the BEMA SEAT of Christ on the Day of Judgment: Remember, ONLY the righteous will stand at this seat.