
Dr. Mike Jones


By: Mike Jones

There are four New Testament Epistles that speak exclusively to exercising spiritual gifts. Since some scholars disagree whether all of the list below should be classified as spiritual gifts, but rather gifts, talents, and abilities; for discussion purposes, we will identify each list as legitimate spiritual gifts.

Romans 12:6-8

  1. Prophesying
  2. Serving
  3. Teaching
  4. Encouraging
  5. Giving
  6. Leadership
  7. Mercy

Ephesians 4:11

  1. Apostleship
  2. Prophesying
  3. Evangelizing
  4. Pastoring
  5. Teaching

I Peter 4:9-11

  1. Hospitality
  2. Speaking
  3. Serving

I Cor. 12:7-10

  1. Message of Wisdom
  2. Message of Knowledge
  3. Faith
  4. Healing
  5. Miracles
  6. Prophesy
  7. Discerning Spirits
  8. Tongues

I Cor. 12:28

  1. Apostles
  2. Prophesy
  3. Teachers
  4. Miracles
  5. Healing
  6. Helps
  7. Administration

I Cor. 12:29-30

  1. Apostles
  2. Prophets
  3. Teachers
  4. Miracles
  5. Healing
  6. Tongues
  7. Interpreter

Seven Types to Identifying Your Spiritual Gifts

There are a number of areas that should be considered as you endeavor to identify the gifts, abilities, and talents that God has given you.

Some of you may already be aware of your spiritual gifts. However, these steps will ensure that you use your gifts more faithfully and effectively, and as you become more sensitive to the leading of the Spirit, you may actually discover that you are more gifted than first anticipated.

1. Pray for  Godly Wisdom and Direction

There are so many scriptures that make reference to prayer. And these verses come directly from the Spirit of God. Keep in mind that prayer is simply entering into agreement with the covenant God has established with His son, through His substitutionary sacrifice at Calvary; and then Jesus clothed us in His Father’s righteousness. Now we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and join heirs with Him.

James said “if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him, but let him ask in faith, not wavering.” (James 1:5-6) It’s OK to ask your Heavenly Father to help you identify your spiritual gifts. Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and he who knocks, the door will be open.” (Matthew 7:7-8)

2. Become a Serious Student of God’s Word

As you pray and seek the face of God concerning which gifts you have been endowed with, spend more quality time in the Word studying the various gifts listed in Romans 12, I Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4. Get familiar with all these gifts and as you continue to work in the ministry doing all that your hands find to do, be sensitive to which of the gifts start shinning through. Take a serious look at various Biblical Characters and see how God molded and shaped them before their gifts were revealed.

3. Nourish the Desires Inside to Minister

After you’ve spent some quality time in prayer about your gifts, abilities, and talents being revealed, and you’ve spent quality time in the study of God’s Word, start monitoring the areas whereby you feel drawn to the most. If it’s visiting the hospitals, consider what spiritual gifts cater to that arena, such as gifts of healings, working of miracles, and special faith. If you enjoy sharing information, consider spending additional time studying Romans 12 and concentrating on the gift of teaching, etc.

4. Hanging with Those of Like Kind

After you have developed steps 1-3, and feel that you have matured in understanding “spiritual things”, you may want to step out of your comfort zone and visit other ministries that have developed the various gifts, and spend time developing friendship and mentor relationships. They may give you materials to study that they have assembled over the years. Remember to share the information with others in your ministry to help develop their gifts.

5. Success Comes With Trail and Errors

The Apostle John said, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they be of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” (St. John 4:1) The Apostle James said, “My brethern, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” (James 1:2-4)

Except some measure of success as you exercise your gifts, talents, and abilities. The Body of Christ will be blessed by you exercising your gifts and you will be blessed because you are being used by God.

6. Expect Criticism: (Patricia Fripps)

Don’t expect everyone to love you. Praise and approval are wonderful. We all thrive on them. But we all need a dose of reality now and then. Just because people notice imperfections and point them our doesn’t make them your enemies.

7. God, You, and Me

God uses other people to evaluate the level of your spiritual maturity. Christian speaker Wayne Jones writes:

“As the Body of Christ begins to mature in this process, it will realize the necessity of calling for accountability and responsibility in the use of spiritual gifts. Many good ministries and programs have been destroyed in the church by persons who think their gifts are so needed that the rest of the church must see the need for them using their gifts. The problem with persons of this persuasion is that they assume that their need to use their gift is the same as the body’s need for the gift. Often this is not true. If the Body of Christ is to be whole, there must be accountability of each individual member to the whole. This accountability must be judged as any other ministry or doctrine of the church. It must be evaluated in light of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.” (TO BE CONTINUED…)

(Adapted from Understanding & Operating Your Spiritual Gifts Manual; all Scripture references are taken from the KJV unless otherwise noted.)