
Dr. Mike Jones

“I’m HAPPY With My Life … Why Do I Need Jesus?

Q: How should we as Christians respond, when people say, “I’m HAPPY with MY life. Why do I need Jesus?”

A: [Now] That question is notorious in the life of any true believer.  We both know of family and friends that would literally give you the shirt off their backs, because they are simply good-hearted people.  However, they’re quick to say, “Things are going well with my family, and I’d like to leave everything in my life, the way it is!  Let’s not talk about religion.”

They view Christianity (which is a relationship with a person-Jesus the Christ), as something they can take it or leave it.  What’s absent, is the fact they’re spiritually dead: the world looks in on us and determine, we have the same problems and issues that they have.  However, the difference is, we have HOPE (concrete evidence that’s grounded in the Word of God and we know that God cannot lie – Hebrews 6:18), of a better outcome, because of our relationship with out heavenly Father.

In a general sense, Jesus isn’t concerned about us being happy (which is a state of mind that depends on positive circumstances or people), in other words, happiness is a blurred emotional state of well-being that’s defined by Psychologists, as a pleasurable or satisfying experience.  He’s more concerned where we will spend eternity.

So, I’m quick to point out to my friends that the New Testament tells us the reason we need Jesus:  because we’re alienated from a Holy God, and one day, we are going to stand before Him (as Judge) to give an account of our lives, as to why we were disobedient to the call of salvation, that He offered through the substitutionary sacrifice of His Son (Jesus), who died on the cross, in our stead.

We won’t be able to stand in the presence of the Shekinah glory of God and tell Him why we rejected His Son and why He should permit us into heaven, because our good outweighs our bad, as though God determines who makes it to heaven based on a curve.  It behoves us to show them Scripture that affirms, in Ecclesiastes 7:20, “Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins.” And in Romans 3:1, “As the Scriptures say, no one is righteous—not even one.”

In conclusion:  There will be those that say, “You Christians are just trying to shove Jesus down our throats, by preaching Him as your “Get-out-of-HELL Card”,  as a way of escaping  what you’re calling eternal judgment! God is a good God and He simply loves us too much to send anyone to hell. And in the Bible, hell is used as a metaphor for the bad things that are happening to us here on earth!”

To those that think that way, I leave you with these two verses of sacred Scripture to ponder, as God’s Dispensation of Grace comes to an end; Psalm 94:23, “He shall bring upon them their own iniquity and shall cut them off for their own wickedness; yes, the Lord our God shall destroy them.” And Romans 1:18, “The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth through unrighteousness