By: Dr. Mike Jones
Now that we’re in Resurrection Sunday mode, let us draw attention to the suffering of Christ, that He willingly did as a substitute for YOU and ME. No matter what we’re facing, nothing can compare to Jesus laying down His life at Calvary. He went through the same day-to-day suffering we endure – betrayal, injustice, loneliness, etc.
We can use the final words spoken by Jesus on the cross to give us direction for our “BAD DAYS.” The Apostle Paul said in Phil. 3:10 – “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death.
Then on September 11, 2001 – All America had a “BAD DAY.” Thousands of innocent people were killed, families torn apart, jobs lost. The “BAD DAY” on Calvary (for Jesus) turned out to be a good day for all mankind, if he would receive it. Jesus said:
1. *(Luke 23:34) “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Translated: Father forgive everyone who is trying to ruin my life). Through the Spirit of forgiveness, you can retain control over every situation when it appears you’re being controlled/victimized by them.
2. *(Luke 23:43) “Assuredly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Translated: Help others who are experiencing the same struggle). (Gal. 6:2, Phil. 2:4) God wants us to take the focus off of ourselves – in terms of what we’re going through and look at what others are experiencing in this life. The come along side to assist.
3. *(John 19:26,27) “Woman behold your son…Behold your mother. Though we’re going through various trials, God does NOT want us to lay down and play dead. There are people that are depending on us, for their day-to-day contact.
4. *(Matthew 27:46) “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Translated: Aim your hard questions at God, not man.) When you’ve felt you’re somewhat lost, out of touch or can’t feel God’s presence, direct your questions Heavenward.
5. *(John 19:28) “I thirst” (Translated: Be man or woman enough to acknowledge you have a need. God has no Lone Ranger saints in the Body of Christ. We need each other.
6. *(John 19:30) “It is Finished.” (Translated: When you’re going through the fire, be assured, there is a purpose and an end). There are no sweeter words to a child of God that has been in the fire (of trouble, adversities, turmoil) than to hear God speak these soft words into your spirit “well done my good and faithful servant.
7. *(Luke 23:46) “Into Your Hands I commit My Spirit.” (Translated: Surrender your BAD DAY to God and let it go)! After struggling to make it through the day, you don’t want to take that BAD DAY into a peaceful night rest. (1st. Peter 5:7 – cares) (James 4:7 – submit).
In my conclusion, Jesus words indicate a total trust in His Father and God is faithful to act on that trust. HAPPY RESURRECTION EVERYONE!
(Adapted from the Teaching HOW TO LIVE THROUGH A BAD DAY: all Scripture references are taken from the KJV unless otherwise noted.)