
Dr. Mike Jones

Why Christians Shouldn’t Celebrate Lent?!

Q: I’ve heard you mentioned across the pulpit and in your seminars, that Christians shouldn’t celebrate ‘LENT,’ because it’s not Biblical. Can you share some of your theological knowledge and a few of you spiritual nuggets on this issue?

A: The sad state-of-mind, centers around all the misguided people who take the approach, that Lent is coming, and I need to indulge my flesh in all the pleasures of life, before I have to give it up for 40 days. Thus, we arrive for many, at the door called, Mardi Gras, where, in the streets of New Orleans, the day after, you’d find paved-asphalt riddled with blood splotches, broken bottles, cigarette butts laced with other drugs, used condoms, vomit, etc., and the list can go on-and-on.

For this group, the concentration isn’t on the coming celebration of Easter; it’s totally on satisfying my carnal desires, before ‘Lent,’ because, I’m going to have to be spiritual for a little while, before resuming, all the pleasures that life has to offer.

The Word of God calls them, ‘spiritually blinded,’ because they never spend quality time in the Bible, getting to know and developing a relationship, with the God of the Bible. Because, if they did, they would discover that Lent did not come from the Bible. Nowhere in sacred Scripture, did Jesus ever mention it, nor will you find where the Apostles or early church fathers celebrated it, as a time or celebration before the resurrection of Christ.

However, if you’re a serious student of sacred Scripture, and enjoy plowing through a little church history on the origin of celebrations that have found their way into Christ’s church, then you’d soon discover that in ancient paganism, it was believed that Tammuz (or Baal) was killed by a wild boar. And afterwards, his mother Semiramis, known as the high priestess of Babylonian paganism, mourned and cried for her son for 40 days: afterwards, he arose from the dead. Therefore, the 40-day concept of mourning and going without food and fasting, has absolutely nothing to do with Christ’s resurrection, but was imposed upon Christianity from the religions of Babylon.

As a matter of fact, Tammuz is only mentioned once in the Bible, in the book of Ezekiel. The prophet describes a vision he had, saying the Lord “brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the house of the LORD, and I saw women sitting there, mourning the god Tammuz.” Here, we see where God [Himself] calls the practice of “weeping for Tammuz” a despicable thing, happening at the gate of the temple in Jerusalem.

I want to encourage you to do the historical research on ‘mystery Babylon,’ and you’d discover that Semiramis conceived her son [Tammuz] by being implanted through a sunbeam – attempting to draw the parallel of the virgin birth of our Lord – conceiving a son without a human father. Also, you will discover that Lent came out of the Roman Catholic System, and was superimposed on Christianity. This is where you will find the ‘mother/child’ idolatrous doctrine called the “Queen of Heaven,” that’s found in the Bible twice in the Book of Jeremiah 7:18, and 44:17-25. The first Queen of Heaven was Semiramis, the high priestess of Babylonian cults.

Comments (2)
  • March 12, 2017
    Stevie Dickens

    Awesome information

  • March 13, 2017

    Lent + Easter = Complete Pagan worship
    Passover + Last supper= Complete Remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection.
    I believe that as Christians we should be celebrating Passover not Easter which is from the pagan goddess Esthere.

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