

Jesus’ seven statements are an encouragement to those of us who are answering His call to discipleship and “the fellowship of His sufferings” (Philippians 3:10-11), “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised Him from the dead. I want to suffer with Him, sharing in His death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!” The main reason that EVERY year, Christian churches celebrate “GOOD FRIDAY” is that the teachings that come

These are THE 17 SEMINARS IN THE 2024 SEMINAR SERIES, that are used to conduct Saturday Morning Seminars for local churches. [Dr. Mike, Adjunct Professor of Logos University, Altamonte Springs, Florida]. The seminars [still] remain available to 'ALL' church organizations throughout the region, to assist leadership in training God's people, for the work of the ministry. The cost per person remains [ONLY] $15 and it covers, Registration, Lecture, and Christian College Seminar Certificate that’s good for semester credits at a number of

Jesus was crucified on Wednesday Teaching Notes: Dr. Mike Jones [Statistically] About one billion Protestants and another billion Catholics believe that Jesus Christ was crucified and entombed on a Friday afternoon—"Good Friday"—and raised to life again at daybreak on Easter Sunday morning, a day and a half later. SAINTS: You need to know that the Jews counted (a day and night time period) in Bible days than what we have today. Our day starts at 12.01 AM and ends at 12.00 midnight making

A: Thanks pastor for the question. A number of us teachers wrestle with members of the congregation, in terms of trying to convince them, that God is NOT going to ‘curse’ them, based on Malachi 3, if they don’t understand the concept of Tithing! Of course I don’t see anything wrong with a person quoting from the Old Testament [ especially Malachi chapter 3], about how they were encouraged by the law to give 10 percent plus, which in actuality ended up being over 28%. If one

A: Remember, the Bible ‘NEVER’ said that God destroyed the ‘Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,’ but that He ‘DROVE’ Adam and Eve out of the Garden and set an Angel with flames of fire to watch over it! I fall into the ‘school of thought’ of those scholars that believe, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that ‘did’ exist in the Garden of Eden, was ‘symbolic’ [and I will explain that shortly, but I wanted to take

A: [Yes!] Most Bible scholars also believe that at some point Satan inhabited the earth as his dwelling place until God booted him out and put man in his stead, to worship Him. The God man [Adam] was also given the supreme authority to subdue the earth and replenish it. Later, the God man and woman [Eve] committed high treason and gave Satan dominion over the inheritance in which God gave them. We believe Satan’s control over God’s green earth is

You can not assume that every open door represents God's will. Some open doors may actually be snares of Satan to keep you out of God's will. Even when Satan opens a door that's meant to bring you harm, God can bring good from it, if you will be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit. "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the

By: Dr. Mike Jones Overview: The Book of Proverbs means what the name implies, a process of collecting short sayings from different places and produced over long periods of time. Simply put, a representation of wisdom derived from everyday experience.  It’s also a representation of wholesome advice about the way a person should live in order to attain a happy and satisfactory life. Purpose of the book is found in Chapter 1:5-6, “I want those already wise to become wiser and become