

All of us fight battles – for some, it’s the battle of the bulge, and for others, it’s the battle of the pocketbook. There’s a battle much more deadlier, it’s called the “Battle of the Mind!” A deadly war between God and Satan, played out on the battlefield of our minds! How many times have you tried to convince yourself that something was to go wrong? Remember the phrase, “I can just feel it!” You just felt like you weren’t going

In modern day, we rarely hear a teaching on the Conscience, and yet, the father of the Reformation, Martin Luther, was excommunicated by the Pope because his conscience wouldn’t permit him to go along with the corrupt practice of selling indulgences (which means: the forgiveness of sins). He wrote his 95 theses, condemning the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, and nailed them to the door of the Wittenburg Church there in Germany. He was later declared an outlaw and a

By: Dr. Mike Jones Because of his longevity here on Earth, our arch-enemy is Satan, which means adversary, the one that opposes God, and those that God loves. Saints, he does everything in his power to distract you from becoming a serious student of sacred Scripture. He’s the master of distractions, deceptions, and divisions – and will use any and all these weapons that are available at his disposal to get our minds away from worshipping and serving the Lord God. Just

As we approach the ending of another year [2018], for Christians, nothing touches the heart of God more, than to see His children showing the God-centered gratitude, that our Lord demands and deserves; a sincere form of appreciation for who He is and for what He has done through us and for us. This [November] month, we know it best as Thanksgiving, a time of expressing profound gratefulness for His tender mercies, comfort, and spiritual guidance, as revealed in 2 Corinthians

By: Dr. Mike Christian author David Pratt wrote an excellent book entitled: Follow Me; and in this book, you will find a chapter labelled, "Don't Make Jesus Your Personal Lord and Savior." When you first read the title of the chapter--knowing that you've been taught that Jesus is my personal Lord and Savior, you have to catch yourself from labeling Mr. Pratt a religious heretic. After reading the chapter, you come to realize that he makes perfect sense, even though we love to

When one read the Book of Jude, it’s obvious the main points that he was attempting to get over, was a battle cry for the early Church not to compromise, but to fight the good fight of faith to preserve Christian orthodoxy, while satanic forces launch an all out attack with its powerful forces to bring the true church to its knees. His war cry was for the Church to become more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit

By: Dr. Mike In Romans 13:11-14, it reads, "This is all the more urgent, for you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living. Because we belong to the day, we must live decent lives for all