

The minor prophet Haggai quoted this phrase in chapter 1 verse five. He said, “Consider your ways?” Modern day, with all that's going on in our inner circle as well as across the Pond, this phrase means, reflect seriously open your affairs, whether they are consistent with the reason of things that are happening around you. God is saying, “Set your heart upon your ways, in relationship to what you had been doing, what you are doing, and where those

Q: God is SOVEREIGN, and we know this from Scripture, then, how does MY Free Will come into play? A: [Thanks for the question.] First, we have to determine, what is meant by the statement, “God is sovereign.” For me, no one answers that question better than the 19th century Bible scholar, A. W. Pink, by his statement, “We mean the supremacy of God, the kingship of God, the god-hood of God. To say that God is Sovereign is to declare

Talking to and with a number of pastoral and ministry leaders around the country over the past several months, during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was obvious that the central theme of our conversations was, “How badly [statistical wise], have we missed the mark/opportunity to fulfill the mandate given by the Apostle Paul – whom I believe wrote the Book of Hebrews – in 5:12, “You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you

A: I believe the Bible is clear as to what the “unpardonable sin” makes reference to. It is the “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” as mentioned in Mark 3:22-30, “But the teachers of religious law who had arrived from Jerusalem said, “He’s possessed by Satan, the prince of demons. That’s where he gets the power to cast out demons.” Jesus called them over and responded with an illustration. “How can Satan cast out Satan?” He asked. “A kingdom divided by

Q: Can YOU explain in layman’s term: Why God permit bad things to happen to good people? A: Thanks for the question. First, let’s answer the last part of this question: who are these so-called ‘good people?’ If I remembered correctly in my undergrad course, Introduction to the Bible, there’s none good but God! In scripture, Mark 10:17-18, “And when He was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked Him, Good Master, what

Q: At this time in church history, I’m hearing more of my colleagues mentioning Hebrews 2:4 … signs, wonders, and miracles. I know how adamantly YOU are about the use of the word ‘MIRACLES” being so loosely used in Christendom. Can you spare a moment and explain the verse? A: Good question, Man of God: Without being lengthy, it can biblically and theologically be answered this way: The words, signs, wonders, and miracles are really synonyms – meaning, all 3 words are

When our Lord [Jesus'] disciples asked about the end of the age (Matthew 24:3), He responded by listing several warning signs were to come. The first would be massive religious deception, including religious teachers who, while claiming to represent Him, would not follow His teachings but would deceive many through a counterfeit Christianity. [The Apostle Paul penned EVERYTHING that Jesus foretold in 2 Timothy 4.] Jesus also said there would be many wars and other conflicts between nations and ethnic

In theology, we like to say it this way: There are ‘true sayings’ and there are sayings that have truth in them. There is certainly truth in this statement, to some degree. In Genesis ‐ the book of beginnings, God instituted marriage, and His Word abounds with both promises and warnings to safeguard the family unit. In Dr. Henry Morris' and Martin Clark's book, The Bible Has the Answer, they stated the following: A marriage established and guided by Biblical standards has

A: [Good question] As Christians, we believe in the ONE true God of the Holy Scriptures. This is why we study theology. The term "theology" comes from the combination of theos (Greek for "god") and logos (Greek for "word" or "dialogue"). Many scholars understand theology as a discussion or study of God. Theology involves several disciplines: Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, World Perspectives, Biblical Languages, Historical Theology, Philosophy of Religion, and Pastoral Studies. It is also important to spend a

Down through the annals of time when God's people sought relief from the problems of life, they would immediately turn to the Psalms, because they reflect the experience of men and women in the life of faith. And Psalms has been crowned the most loved of all books of the 
Old Testament. We're going to concentrate on Psalms 77 because Asaph [who was King David's music director] faced the exact same problems that many of us are facing today. Saints, if we'd