
Family Help Center

The minor prophet Haggai quoted this phrase in chapter 1 verse five. He said, “Consider your ways?” Modern day, with all that's going on in our inner circle as well as across the Pond, this phrase means, reflect seriously open your affairs, whether they are consistent with the reason of things that are happening around you. God is saying, “Set your heart upon your ways, in relationship to what you had been doing, what you are doing, and where those

Talking to and with a number of pastoral and ministry leaders around the country over the past several months, during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was obvious that the central theme of our conversations was, “How badly [statistical wise], have we missed the mark/opportunity to fulfill the mandate given by the Apostle Paul – whom I believe wrote the Book of Hebrews – in 5:12, “You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you

A: [Good question] As Christians, we believe in the ONE true God of the Holy Scriptures. This is why we study theology. The term "theology" comes from the combination of theos (Greek for "god") and logos (Greek for "word" or "dialogue"). Many scholars understand theology as a discussion or study of God. Theology involves several disciplines: Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, World Perspectives, Biblical Languages, Historical Theology, Philosophy of Religion, and Pastoral Studies. It is also important to spend a