
Bible Q & A

[Part Seven] Q: Dr. Mike, in your teaching series of the “End Time,” You have given us critical understanding of what’s to happen. In your summation, what would be the final ‘key word’ that the church should address at this time?  A: It’s amazing that you asked that! One Sunday per month (God willing), my wife and I meet over brunch with a group of senior church leaders from around the region, to fellowship and to discuss current issues surrounding the local

(Part 6 of 7) Q: Can You Explain To Us The Term "Apocalypse?" A: [Actually] The word “APOCALYPSE”  is derived from the Greek word apocalupsis which means  to reveal or to uncover something, such as the phrase taken from the Book of Revelation 6, “The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse.” Throughout the Books of Revelation, Daniel, Isaiah, and a few others, the reader is introduced to “apocalyptic literature,” which is primarily used to describe various images, symbols, and numbers, as they relate to

(Part Five) Q: My friends and I have heard much about the Number 666 that’s in the Book of Revelation – even to the point, that people avoid it. Can you share a little bit about its significance to the End Time? A: You are correct: people avoid that number like the plague! I, for one, am aware that it only represents the ‘essential’ number for a man, therefore, I actually use it for the ministry mailing address [The Teaching Ministry of

[Part Four] Q: Dr. Mike, will those who have been cremated be Rapture? A: That’s a good question! A dear minister friend of mine called me the other day, after attending a “Homegoing Service” of a dear friend of ours. He mentioned to me that a Believer asked him if cremation was biblical, and he stated to the person, “No! That we should all be properly buried, if we fall asleep before Christ’s return for His church!” Then he asked me if

(Part Three) Q: Dr. Mike, will there be a one world leader and will Israel sign a ‘Peace Treaty’ with him? A: YES! According to Daniel’s prophecy, a supreme leader will arise out of Europe’s 10 nation confederation. In Chapter 7:24-25, it states, “The ten horns are ten kings that will come from this fourth kingdom. After those ten kings are gone, another king will come. He will be different from the kings who ruled before him. He will defeat three of

(Part Two) Q: Now that we know how Islam differs from Christianity, what about the so-called Eastern Religions? A: That’s another good question! David Barrett, who is a Senior Editor of “the World Christian Encyclopedia” reported that there are 19 major world religions. The research stated that in 2015, about 70 percent of adults here in the United States and in Canada, identify themselves as Christians. However, once the phrase ‘Born Again’ is added to the equation, then ONLY about 35 percent of Americans

Q: Dr. Mike, thanks for leading the Saturday Conference Call ‘Revelation Group’ that stretched from the East Coast to the West Coast. Will you consider sharing some of the terminologies and events of the End Time? A: From the heart, thanks for the weekly fellowship: I’ve thought about doing a seven part Q&A to answer some of the questions that came as a result of teaching the Book of Revelation for the past several years. (Part One) Who’s coming in the name

Q: Hey, Dr. Mike, in your seminar ‘Spiritual Protocol: Striving for a Ministry of Excellence,’ one of the Bishops made a comment about the Queen James Version (QJV) of the Bible; have you heard about it, and if so, what is it? A:In short, it’s no more than a blatant attempt to discredit the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. In other words, to soften the harsh tone that Holy God presents in His Word. Most all Bible scholars acknowledge

Q: Dr. Mike, this is a question that I’ve been meaning to ask you for the past couple of weeks, because one of my loving relatives is a skeptic when it comes to us being called ‘Children of God’ and at other times in Scripture, ‘Sons of God,’ as was Jesus. Can you explain the difference in the terminologies?  A: Good question (Woman of God … smile)! Without being somewhat lengthy in my explanation, I’ll simply start off by saying that the

Q: Dr. Mike, in this end time we’re hearing (more) the term ‘Christian Worldview;’ please explain it in layman’s terminology? Thanks. A: As the Lord closes out His Dispensation of Grace, we’re going to hear more worldview philosophies surface, such as, postmodernism, moral relativism, existentialism, pantheism, etc. All used in some fashion or form to explain the non-existence of a holy and merciful God.  And in their explanation(s), they sometimes will use these two words, ‘Christian worldview’ and ‘Biblical worldview’ interchangeably. [George]