
Bible Q & A

Q: [Dr. Mike] The Babies and little children loss during Covid-19, are they ‘ALL’ safely in Heaven? I’ve had conversation over the years, with a number of friends and colleagues, concerning Biblical ‘Accountability’ as to, “what happens to little children, that aren’t granted the privilege to experience life to its fullness?” Being a member of the class of Reformed Theologians, the concept of the “age of accountability” comes from the assumption that, babies/little children (and the severely mentally retarded) are born in

Q: Dr. Mike, we’re witnessing the ‘spirit of hatred’ at an alarming rate in the country: what does the Bible really say about Slavery? A: Thank you for your [very] serious question. Several close friends have recently asked me [basically] the same question, but with a twist: ranging from, If God is Holy and ‘just’, why did He permit one group of people [from His creation] to enslave another?” “How could a group of people, who professed to know God, use

Q: Can You Share Your Thought(s), as to Whether or not, COVID-19 is a Punishment from God, Concerning the Rampant SIN in the World? A: [Now…that’s a good question!] There’s no doubt about it, that the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted everyone’s live: This norovirus has taken, over 120,000 American lives (more lives lost to the Coronavirus, than the Vietnam (58,200) and Gulf (219) Wars combined). And of late, those in the age group of 18-40, who thought themselves to be invincible, in the

Q: What was the ‘main’ reason that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? Didn’t Jesus give us a ‘solemn’ warning in Luke 17:32 ''Remember Lot's Wife.'' What lesson was it about Lot's wife that we were to remember? And was she saved from the fiery judgment that fell on the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? [I remembered your bishop teaching on this subject.] One final question: I’ve been tasked by my senior leadership to develop a Bible course for the ministry, that will help Christians to

A: Thanks pastor for the question. A number of us teachers wrestle with members of the congregation, in terms of trying to convince them, that God is NOT going to ‘curse’ them, based on Malachi 3, if they don’t understand the concept of Tithing! Of course I don’t see anything wrong with a person quoting from the Old Testament [ especially Malachi chapter 3], about how they were encouraged by the law to give 10 percent plus, which in actuality ended up being over 28%. If one

A: Remember, the Bible ‘NEVER’ said that God destroyed the ‘Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,’ but that He ‘DROVE’ Adam and Eve out of the Garden and set an Angel with flames of fire to watch over it! I fall into the ‘school of thought’ of those scholars that believe, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that ‘did’ exist in the Garden of Eden, was ‘symbolic’ [and I will explain that shortly, but I wanted to take

Q: Dr. Mike: I’ve heard well-known and respected pastors teach that Scripture [sort of] indicate the possibility, that a Christian can lose their Salvation. What’s your view? A: It is a very good question, that’s often mentioned over the pulpit … even to the point that some pastors have said, “You’re a ‘Disciple’ of Christ, if YOU continue in His Word. We need to remain faithful, because You don’t want to lose your Salvation!” [Like that’s even a remote possibility for

A: The thing to remember is, whenever you’re reading one of the Apostle Paul’s epistles, you’re always detect an ‘urgency’ in his writings, because he was ‘always’ expecting the Lord Jesus to return at any moment. What he’s saying in that particular verse is this: "walk in wisdom toward them [Non-Christians] that are on the outside of Christendom. Believers are on the inside [Saved]. Now he says redeeming the time. Well what do you mean, Paul? He means take advantage of

A: [Now] that’s a really good question! The prophecies of their coming, is a good start. Jesus prophecies were foretold in the Old Testament before He was born. Some 700 years before His birth, the city of His birth was foretold, even though it wasn't the home of His parents. (Micah 5:2, "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, [though] thou be little among the thousands of Judah, [yet] out of thee shall He come forth unto me [that is] to be ruler in

A: I’ve stated numerous times, to close friends, who are church leaders here in the region, that what we’re seeing, can’t be pleasing to Holy God, who established the church, with His Son’s blood. There’s so much church ‘hopping’ going on, that you can turn your TV on, any Sunday morning, and see members, in the congregation of the locally televised church service, and know they are/were members of such-and-such church. [And many are leaving their home churches without a cause.] In