
Bible Q & A

Q: Dr. Mike, can YOU explain why God commanded the Israelites to kill every man, woman, and child in the Promised Land of Canaan? A:[Now] that is a good question! Some stories in the Bible make us uncomfortable, because we don’t understand why God would record an incident in scripture that you and I would call deplorable! So to help God maintain his Holiness, we simply put it out of our minds, and keep on reading. I’m constantly telling believers, that

Q: Dr. Mike, what is your theological view on the Bible verse that, “Jesus visited the ‘spirits in prison’? A: Jesus, from the cross in His dying agony, spoke to one of the thieves and said to him, “Today you will be with Me in paradise.” This is a clue to the explanation, about Jesus [body headed to the tomb] and His spirit to paradise. When people ask this question, they are quoting 1 Peter 3:19, “This Jesus, who by the same

Q: Dr. Mike, I’ve been brought up believing that [water] baptism is ‘essential’ to my salvation. Is this statement true? A: Biblically speaking, the answer is emphatically “NO!” Scripture declares through the writings of the Apostles that a person can be saved who has not been baptized. However, scripture also declares that baptism is extremely important and individuals that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and have become true disciples of Christ, will be baptized. Permit me to

Q: Dr. Mike, can you explain whether our loved ones are in Heaven looking down on us to encourage us, to finish this ‘faith’ race? A: Funny you should ask this particular question: I recently conducted a couple of funeral/memorial services, and each time, I mentioned that particular reference found in Hebrews 12:1, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset

Q: Are a majority of Christians today ignorant of Demons? A: Let me preference my response by saying, “The numbers don’t lie!” The Christian surveyor, George Barna reported in The Christian Post Newsletter that, “The majority of American Christians do not believe that Satan is a real being or that the Holy Spirit is a living entity. Nearly 6 out of 10 Christians either strongly agreed or somewhat agreed with the statement that Satan "is not a living being but is

Q: Dr. Mike, I’ve heard you say, that the [KJV] Bible isn’t in chronological order, in terms of when each book was written. Can you explain, please? A: When I spoke on Communion Sunday morning, my main focus was to convey what each verse meant by the Apostle Paul, from 1 Corinthians 11:23-32; because during the Communion service, most of the time, the passage is read to the congregation, before partaking of the Holy sacraments, with very little understanding of the

Q: God is SOVEREIGN, how does MY Free Will come into play? A: First, we have to determine, what is meant by the statement, “God is sovereign.” For me, no one answers that question better than the 19th century Bible scholar, A. W. Pink, by his statement, “We mean the supremacy of God, the kingship of God, the god-hood of God. To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that God is God. To say that God is Sovereign is

Q: What are the Biblical grounds for divorce? A: As a Christian friend once said to me, “Dr. Mike, you’re a former Federal Statistical Economist, show me the numbers, because they don’t lie!” The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%; second marriage is 60%; and third marriage is 73%: The divorce rate in the Bible belt is equal to the 50% rate in secular America. As one of my mentors pointed out to me, the grounds for divorcing someone,

Q: Dr. Mike, do YOU believe that God speaks to us [today] in an audible voice?? A: Now that is indeed a ‘good’ question, since I too have heard tele-evangelists say that the Lord has spoken to them audibly: and one noted healing ministry in particular, makes that claim, and it is why noted theologians and Bible scholars take offense when he says it!I honestly, can’t say for sure whether God has or not; but as I spend quality time studying