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By: Mike Jones There are four New Testament Epistles that speak exclusively to exercising spiritual gifts. Since some scholars disagree whether all of the list below should be classified as spiritual gifts, but rather gifts, talents, and abilities; for discussion purposes, we will identify each list as legitimate spiritual gifts. Romans 12:6-8 Prophesying Serving Teaching Encouraging Giving Leadership Mercy Ephesians 4:11 Apostleship Prophesying Evangelizing Pastoring Teaching I Peter 4:9-11 Hospitality Speaking Serving I Cor. 12:7-10 Message of Wisdom Message of Knowledge Faith Healing Miracles Prophesy Discerning Spirits Tongues I Cor. 12:28 Apostles Prophesy Teachers Miracles Healing Helps Administration I Cor. 12:29-30 Apostles Prophets Teachers Miracles Healing Tongues Interpreter Seven Types to Identifying Your Spiritual Gifts There are a number of areas that should be considered as