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As we approach the ending of another year [2018], for Christians, nothing touches the heart of God more, than to see His children showing the God-centered gratitude, that our Lord demands and deserves; a sincere form of appreciation for who He is and for what He has done through us and for us. This [November] month, we know it best as Thanksgiving, a time of expressing profound gratefulness for His tender mercies, comfort, and spiritual guidance, as revealed in 2 Corinthians

When one read the Book of Jude, it’s obvious the main points that he was attempting to get over, was a battle cry for the early Church not to compromise, but to fight the good fight of faith to preserve Christian orthodoxy, while satanic forces launch an all out attack with its powerful forces to bring the true church to its knees. His war cry was for the Church to become more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit

As we approach the ending of another year [2017], for Christians, nothing touches the heart of God more, than to see His children showing the God-centered gratitude, that our Lord demands and deserves; a sincere form of appreciation for who He is and for what He has done through us and for us. This [November] month, we know it best as Thanksgiving, a time of expressing profound gratefulness for His tender mercies, comfort, and spiritual guidance, as revealed in 2 Corinthians

Q (3 of 3): [Dr. Mike] Thanks for the informative Q&A about the Rapture of the Church and Christ’s Second Coming. You touched on an important subject to a lot of us: The Tribulation Period. Can you provide Scriptural references to the Body of Christ escaping the Tribulation? A: Like most theologians and Bible scholars, I [too] believe that the Bible clearly teaches in prophesy that the Lord’s Church will be removed before the start of the Tribulation Hours, which

Q: Dr. Mike, over the years, I’ve heard preachers say that Matthew 11:12 is tell us to “Take back with force, what the Devil has stolen from us!” Is that true? A: [Finally] with gratitude, we’re seeing a number of Christians (with the heart and mindset of the Bereans,  who searched the scriptures daily to see if the things that Apostle Paul and others were saying, were true), spend quality time in sacred Scripture, searching for the ‘hidden’ jewels, that are

By: Dr. Mike Jones Throughout history mankind has had fascination with Eagles, known as the king of the birds. Roman Legions (about 6,000) marched under the silver and gold emblem of Eagles. Egyptians used the Eagle as a symbol of victory! Here in America, our founding fathers put the Eagle on our national seal and on our money. Eagles can weigh as much as 14 pounds and have wing spans measuring seven to eight feet. Turbulent winds don't affect them. Eagles in the

By: Dr. Mike Jones The defining character trait that scripture implies that Jesus wants to see in all His disciples is Humility. Throughout sacred scripture, when you don’t see the actual word “Humility” in the text, it is implied: Turn to St. Luke 17:1-5; “Then He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and

By: Dr. Mike Jones Many people see Christmas as a time to think of the baby Jesus in a manger. And in a humbling manner, there’s nothing wrong with that thought process: but the central truth of the Christmas story is this: God wrapped Himself in human flesh as an infant, in a manger. So, this Christmas, let’s think of the great truths of the Incarnation. It’s remembering the birth of Christ and the mystery of the Incarnation, that’s found in 1

By: Dr. Mike Jones As we approach the ending of another year, for Christians, nothing touches the heart of God more, than to see His children showing the God-centered gratitude, that our Lord demands and deserves; a sincere form of appreciation for who He is and for what He has done through us and for us. This month, we know it best as Thanksgiving, a time of expressing profound gratefulness for His tender mercies, comfort, and spiritual guidance. So, this Thanksgiving, in the

By: Dr. Mike Jones A noted Bible scholar once said, "Many Christians suffer today from ecclesiastical schizophrenia. On the one hand they are urged by pastors to withdraw from worldly associations and activities; and on the other to proclaim the gospel to pershing people. It is impossible to do both." Our Lord made a statement that must have had the disciples scratching their heads. "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves." What a weird statement, because the