
Dr. Mike Jones


By: Dr. Mike Jones

Starts off with Heavenly host singing praises.

Verse 1

  • “After these things,” what things?-(destruction of Religious and Political Babylon).
  • Singing praise (Tribulation saints probably leading) because evil has run its course.
  • Tribulation Hour over – Christ preparing to return with His saints.

Verses 2/3

  • They continued on praising God because Babylon is no more!
  • 24 Elders and Bride join in praise because they stayed true to God!

Verses 4-6

  • This is possibly an angel cheering them on to continue praising God!!
  • Praise so great, it sounds like rivers of waters.

Verses 7/8

  • Beginning of the 1,000 year reign of Christ’s Millennium with His Bride (Church) who prepared herself at the Judgement Seat. (2 Corinthians 5:10 – all appear before the Judgement Seat of Christ)

Verse 9

  • Guest at marriage supper includes all believers up to Pentecost as well as Tribulation saints.
  • Bride is all believers from Pentecost to Rapture.

Verse 10

  • John bowls down  to the angel; He immediately tells John, “I’m as you! Worship God!” (We’re not to worship created beings.)

Verse 11

  • Christ coming at the end of the Tribulation Period.
  • It’s called (by Theologians) “The Revelation” because Christ reveals Himself to all inhabitants of the earth.
  • (2 Peter 3:4) – world asked where’s the signs (Promise) of His coming?

Verse 12

  • “Eyes were a flame of fire” (Chapter 1, verse 14) – to see through false men.
  • Crowns represent royalty
  • Special name He’ll only share at His hour of return until then, only He knows.

Verse 13

  • “Vesture dipped in Blood” (Double meaning 1: represents His Blood shed at Calvary and 2: Blood of those to be judged).
  • Name called the Word of God (We see this in John 1:1, 14; 1 John 1:1).

Verse 14

  • (This is US) – Saints return with Him for the Armageddon Conflict.

Verses 15/16

  • He destroys them with His sword (Word). We only observe. They recognize who He is because of His title on His thigh, “King of Kings.”

Verses 17/18

  • This is the final battle – remember, Russian moves on Israel in the middle of the Tribulation Period (Eze. 38-39).
  • This battle in these verses is where God destroys the Anti-Christ and his 10 honored Empires. (Armegeddon) — See Joel 3:1:2,17 (God’s triumph against Satan).
  • Fouls of the air have been summoned to a great feast.

Verses 19/20

  • Christ destroys Anti-Christ and false Prophet and case them alive into the Lake of Fire. Later, Satan joins them.

Verse 20

  • Fouls had a feast with the armies! No one spared! (TO BE CONTINUED)


(Adapted from The Book of Revelation: A verse-by-verse Commentary; all Scripture references are taken from the KJV unless otherwise noted.)