
Author: drmike

A: [Yes!] Most Bible scholars also believe that at some point Satan inhabited the earth as his dwelling place until God booted him out and put man in his stead, to worship Him. The God man [Adam] was also given the supreme authority to subdue the earth and replenish it. Later, the God man and woman [Eve] committed high treason and gave Satan dominion over the inheritance in which God gave them. We believe Satan’s control over God’s green earth is

Scripture: Turn to the Book of Acts 27:20 – 25 20 The terrible storm raged unabated many days,until at last all hope was gone. 21 No one had eaten for a long time, but finally Paul called the crew together and said, “Men, you should have listened to me in the first place and not left Fair Havens—you would have avoided all this injury and loss! 22 But cheer up! Not one of us will lose our lives, even though the ship will

Q: In Matthew 5:48, Jesus instructs His disciples to, "Be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect;" how is that possible, living in a sin cursed world with a body that has not been redeemed? A: There has been much conversation amongst Christians, that some take this verse literally, to mean that we’re to reach ‘perfectionism’ in every area of our lives, because, that’s what the Holy Spirit demands, and He’s available, here in the earth to assist us

Question: Dr. Mike, how much authority does Satan have to inflict evil, suffering, and pain, on us? A: Theologically, we know that God’s Word teaches us that He allows Satan limited authority in the earth realm, until the ‘Day of Judgment,’ according to Revelation 20:10, “And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” One passage

When you read Apostle Paul’s letter to the Church at Thessalonica … you come away with the sense that this man truly loved his brethren! He uses the same jargon that Jesus used when He spoke to the Nation of Israel and said, “Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, I wanted to protect YOU, like a mother Hen her young …” Paul treated the Christians of this Church like a caring mother and an encouraging father. We know this by reading 1Thessalonia 2:7&11-12, “But

Q: Does the Bible teach eternal security? A: A well-known tele-evangelist’s son was on their network answering Bible questions, and I overheard him say to a listener, “I don’t intend to continue to answer this question: the Bible teaches that a [saved] person can walk away from God, and lose their salvation, because God has given each of us “total free will!” That type of erroneous teaching handcuffs the nature and character of God. Once a person has genuinely repented and has

You can not assume that every open door represents God's will. Some open doors may actually be snares of Satan to keep you out of God's will. Even when Satan opens a door that's meant to bring you harm, God can bring good from it, if you will be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit. "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the

A: When you talk with most Christians about this issue, you can tell that it never crossed the mind of many of them, because they ‘always’ view Jesus not only as God’ son, but God [Himself] manifested in the flesh. And when that view of Jesus is used, it is always talked about in terms of: He is holy, that He is perfectly holy, that He is without any flaw or error whatsoever. And that He has never thought, said

Q: You’ve explained to us the Hermeneutics of Isaiah 53:5, and James 5:14: my follow-up question is, in the case of a terminally ill family member, who should decide when to discontinue life-support?” A: Believe it or not, a majority of the time, this weighty decision is left/put into the hands of the neurosurgeon, whose caring for your loved one, because he’s considered the resident expert, in terms of whether or not your loved one is brain-dead. There’s no straight answer, concerning

Q: I’ve heard you mentioned across the pulpit and in your seminars, that Christians shouldn’t celebrate ‘LENT,’ because it’s not Biblical. Can you share some of your theological knowledge and a few of you spiritual nuggets on this issue? A: The sad state-of-mind, centers around all the misguided people who take the approach, that Lent is coming, and I need to indulge my flesh in all the pleasures of life, before I have to give it up for 40 days. Thus,