
Author: drmike

Q: Recently, I heard on national TV, on a highly rated weekly secular program, the term, "The Gospel of Inclusion." Can you explain it? A: The Bible States in 2nd Corinthians 4:4, "Satan, who is the God of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God." In otherwords, God

By: Dr. Mike Jones CHRIST [our Lord] left us seven sayings before He died on the Cross. With these seven last words of JESUS, we can follow His example of dying so that we may live, pleasing GOD, our Father in Heaven. The FIRST saying of JESUS was, "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34) JESUS forgave those who rejected Him, who insulted Him, who did not believe Him (despite the miracles He did

Question: Help us new generation of believers to understand the Doctrine of the ‘Trinity;’ and can you briefly explain the ‘Oneness’ Doctrine? Answer: I’m tremendously honored to see the statistical trend, even news articles, about the Millennials attending churches in large number! The Bible says, ““Without question, this is the great mystery of our faith: Christ was revealed in a human body and vindicated by the Spirit. He was seen by angels and announced to the nations. He was believed in throughout

Q: [Dr. Mike] When we repeatedly see the same numbers or messages throughout the week, should we assume anything from it? A: In the scheme of things, it means absolutely nothing! We as Christians know that it's not uncommon to see a series of consecutive numbers or letters doing the day or throughout the week. In today's society, members of the ‘Illuminati’ (aka New Age Movement) would have us to believe that repeated numbers or symbols, especially to Christians, are messages

No one in human flesh can exactly explain this so-called “phenomenon.” Recent statistical research indicates that as many as fifty percent of people that have has this type of experience have reported some type of phenomenon labelled as “out of body experiences.” Many have claimed this type of experience: their spirit and soul floating upward; them seeing their physical body lying there on the bed in still-motion, and the doctor pronouncing them dead. The next thing out of their mouth is,

GOD WITH US! Many people see Christmas as a time to think of the baby Jesus in a manger. And in a humbling manner, there’s nothing wrong with that thought process: but the central truth of the Christmas story is this: God wrapped Himself in human flesh as an infant, in a manger. So, this Christmas, let’s think of the great truths of the Incarnation. It’s remembering the birth of Christ and the mystery of the Incarnation, that’s found in 1 Timothy

As we approach the ending of another year [2017], for Christians, nothing touches the heart of God more, than to see His children showing the God-centered gratitude, that our Lord demands and deserves; a sincere form of appreciation for who He is and for what He has done through us and for us. This [November] month, we know it best as Thanksgiving, a time of expressing profound gratefulness for His tender mercies, comfort, and spiritual guidance, as revealed in 2 Corinthians

From a Biblical perspective, when we view what’s being taught in many of the local assemblies, you’d have to come to the conclusion that it’s a small part of the Gospel (good news). Sunday after Sunday, religious network after network, we hear only one side of the true Gospel … and that’s “What God wants to do for YOU!” Very seldom, do we hear, “What God requires of US!” Here’s a short list of things that God requires of His followers: 1. An

We are COMMANDED by Almighty God to “Rejoice Always!”  Elsewhere in the Bible (particularly Philippians 4:4), we are commanded to “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.” In order for us to "rejoice always," we must first, do what is commanded of us in verse 17, "pray without ceasing." When we learn to give God proper thanks in “All thing,” … not for all things, as happening for the best, knowing that He’s working it for our good,