Jesus’ Disciples had a hard time understanding how it could be a good thing for their Messiah – Jesus The Christ - to leave them and to send the Comforter back from Heaven, to take His place, and lead them into all understanding. He said to the Disciples in the Gospel of John 16:6-7, “Instead, you grieve because of what I’ve told you. But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate(or Comforter) won’t come. If I do go away,
Q: Are New Testament Believers “CURSED” when they don’t pay Tithes, according to Malachi?
A: Thanks pastor for the question. A number of us teachers wrestle with members of the congregation, in terms of trying to convince them, that God is NOT going to ‘curse’ them, based on Malachi 3, if they don’t understand the concept of Tithing! Of course I don’t see anything wrong with a person quoting from the Old Testament [ especially Malachi chapter 3], about how they were encouraged by the law to give 10 percent plus, which in actuality ended up being over 28%. If one
Q: Did God destroy the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, after the fall of man?
A: Remember, the Bible ‘NEVER’ said that God destroyed the ‘Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,’ but that He ‘DROVE’ Adam and Eve out of the Garden and set an Angel with flames of fire to watch over it! I fall into the ‘school of thought’ of those scholars that believe, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that ‘did’ exist in the Garden of Eden, was ‘symbolic’ [and I will explain that shortly, but I wanted to take
Women In Ministry: Doing Their ‘Thang’!
A Theological Paper Commissioned by Church Organization(s)
Q: Dr. Mike: I’ve heard well-known and respected pastors teach that Scripture [sort of] indicate the possibility, that a Christian can lose their Salvation. What’s your view? A: It is a very good question, that’s often mentioned over the pulpit … even to the point that some pastors have said, “You’re a ‘Disciple’ of Christ, if YOU continue in His Word. We need to remain faithful, because You don’t want to lose your Salvation!” [Like that’s even a remote possibility for
The Battlefield of the Mind!
All of us fight battles – for some, it’s the battle of the bulge, and for others, it’s the battle of the pocketbook. There’s a battle much more deadlier, it’s called the “Battle of the Mind!” A deadly war between God and Satan, played out on the battlefield of our minds! How many times have you tried to convince yourself that something was to go wrong? Remember the phrase, “I can just feel it!” You just felt like you weren’t going
Your Excuses Do Not Impress God!
When parents tell us to do things, we would say, “I’ll get to it later,”
Q: I read in Romans 13:11, where Apostle Paul warns us, to be, “All the more diligent, because time is running out.” What does he mean by that statement?
A: The thing to remember is, whenever you’re reading one of the Apostle Paul’s epistles, you’re always detect an ‘urgency’ in his writings, because he was ‘always’ expecting the Lord Jesus to return at any moment. What he’s saying in that particular verse is this: "walk in wisdom toward them [Non-Christians] that are on the outside of Christendom. Believers are on the inside [Saved]. Now he says redeeming the time. Well what do you mean, Paul? He means take advantage of
Q: I’ve read that Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion; and they call our Lord [Jesus], “A good brother,” when compared to their leader [Muhammad]. What are some of their comparisons?
A: [Now] that’s a really good question! The prophecies of their coming, is a good start. Jesus prophecies were foretold in the Old Testament before He was born. Some 700 years before His birth, the city of His birth was foretold, even though it wasn't the home of His parents. (Micah 5:2, "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, [though] thou be little among the thousands of Judah, [yet] out of thee shall He come forth unto me [that is] to be ruler in