
Author: drmike

Saints: The coronavirus is not only a physical existence, but also a theological one. For example: It was reported that a Northern California church was held in contempt of court and fined for repeatedly defying a court order to stop holding unmasked indoor services in violation of COVID-19 health restrictions. Saints: During this physical and spiritual war that’s raging, we’re not to stand idlily by on the sideline, as cheerleaders; we’re not to put off until tomorrow, what sovereign God has ordained,

As we approach the ending of another year [2020], for Christians, nothing touches the heart of God more, than to see His children showing the God-centered gratitude, that our Lord demands and deserves; a sincere form of appreciation for who He is and for what He has done through us and for us: even in the midst of COVID-19 Pandemic. This [November] month, we know it best as, a time of “Thanksgiving”, expressing profound gratefulness for His tender mercies, comfort, and

[First, talk about the Attachment on redefining the Local Church.] Consider this metaphor: a Christian with good ‘Character’ has a pocketful of coins. As long as the pocket is full, the Christian’s Character is intact, worthy of respect, and able to be trusted. Each time the Christian breaks a promise he/she makes, they must dibble up some of the coins in their pocket. When the coins are gone, so is the Christian’s CHARACTER. At this point, it becomes hard to WIN

Q: Dr. Mike, we’re witnessing the ‘spirit of hatred’ at an alarming rate in the country: what does the Bible really say about Slavery? A: Thank you for your [very] serious question. Several close friends have recently asked me [basically] the same question, but with a twist: ranging from, If God is Holy and ‘just’, why did He permit one group of people [from His creation] to enslave another?” “How could a group of people, who professed to know God, use

Previous church data, before COVID-19, has shown that church attendance was on the decline: we’re speaking in terms of foot traffic in and out of the physical church building. Nona Jones, author of From Social Media to Social Ministry: A Guide to Digital Discipleship, stated, “With every technological innovation, church leaders have braced themselves for a mass exodus because technology makes access to information easier.” Her point is well taken: Pastors are prayerfully concerned that, if too many members, stay home,

Q: Can You Share Your Thought(s), as to Whether or not, COVID-19 is a Punishment from God, Concerning the Rampant SIN in the World? A: [Now…that’s a good question!] There’s no doubt about it, that the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted everyone’s live: This norovirus has taken, over 120,000 American lives (more lives lost to the Coronavirus, than the Vietnam (58,200) and Gulf (219) Wars combined). And of late, those in the age group of 18-40, who thought themselves to be invincible, in the

Jesus was crucified on Wednesday Teaching Notes: Dr. Mike Jones [Statistically] About one billion Protestants and another billion Catholics believe that Jesus Christ was crucified and entombed on a Friday afternoon—"Good Friday"—and raised to life again at daybreak on Easter Sunday morning, a day and a half later. SAINTS: You need to know that the Jews counted (a day and night time period) in Bible days than what we have today. Our day starts at 12.01 AM and ends at 12.00 midnight making

The zeal that we bring to Christianity, leads to, at some point, desiring to read through the entire Bible. And, as we attempt to keep that resolution, we soon discover that 66 books containing words, places, people and things, that we are unfamiliar with, soon start weighing on us, in terms of trying to remember important facts, from the 39 books that constitute the Old Testament and the 27 books that are the New Testament. Even Christians with the best

Q: What was the ‘main’ reason that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? Didn’t Jesus give us a ‘solemn’ warning in Luke 17:32 ''Remember Lot's Wife.'' What lesson was it about Lot's wife that we were to remember? And was she saved from the fiery judgment that fell on the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? [I remembered your bishop teaching on this subject.] One final question: I’ve been tasked by my senior leadership to develop a Bible course for the ministry, that will help Christians to