
Author: drmike

By: Dr. Mike Jones These 5 things have foundational importance to the faith. I'm not saying you're not a Christian, if you don't know them, but I am saying your walk with Christ will be greatly enhanced by understanding them, applying them, and keeping them daily before you. But, if you deny these 5 things, the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 13:5, “Examine yourselves to see if you truly are in the faith. Prove yourself, know that Jesus Christ is

By: Dr. Mike Jones The key word, when you hear about Christian character withstanding the test is ENDURANCE. Normally when we read the King James Version of the Bible we see the word PATIENCE; but in today’s English we would use the word ENDURANCE. When we talk about PATIENCE, the King James Version of the Bible uses the word LONGSUFFERING; which simply means your willingness to put up with irritating people, situations and circumstances without losing your temper - to remain composed as

By: Dr. Mike Many of YOU know the prolific Christian writer, Max Lucado: He wrote a book entitled, Outlive Your Life: Made To make A Difference. Throughout the book, he lists a number of ways that we can can make a difference on a daily basis. I've sort of paraphrased a few of the points he was making. Let's make an all out attempt to live by these listed below, this week! Today I will make a difference. I will begin by

By: Dr. Mike Jones I'm sure that you, like Me, are seeing our brothers & sisters being deceived about the Will of God! In this 2 part teaching series, we will look (at) and analyze 4 misconceptions. 1.  You can not assume that every open door represents God's will. Some open doors may actually be snares of Satan to keep you out of God's will. Even when Satan opens a door that's meant to bring you harm, God can bring good from

By: Dr. Mike Jones Don’t become offended: I’m not talking about the physically condition of many Americans The F.A.T. Christian that I’m talking about is the Spiritual growth that God wishes for ALL His children: Faithful, Available, and Teachable. Proverbs 28:25, “He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat. The letter “F” stands for FAITHFUL: WE all know that God is faithful. The word faithful conveys the idea of being

By: Dr. Mike Jones In this post-modern"tolerant" society, we all get along by embracing each other religious beliefs; thus, as Apostles Paul and Peter stated, "In these last days, false religions and teachers will rise up and teach heresy and a damnable gospel. That day has arrived! I want to uncover a few of the religious persuasions coveted in the earth today, that we should denounce. (1 ) PANTHEISM is a form of religion that states, all things of the universe are part

By: Dr. Mike Jones When people think of Putty, they think of something that can be pounded, squashed, reshaped … and that’s a good thing! Because we want the Lord to mold and shape us into the image of his dear Son [Jesus] A Lesson from the Potter’s House Jeremiah Chapter 18, the Lord told Jeremiah to go down to the potter’s house, “and there I will give you My message” (18:2, NIV). When he arrived, Jeremiah saw the potter working with a

By: Dr. Mike Jones The Christian Researcher and Pollster George Barna said 93% of Americans believe in God, unfortunately (says Barna) 53% also believe “that all people pray to the same God or spirit, no matter what name they use for that spiritual being.” [Saints, things are so out of control in the world today, that the world has open the door for the for-runners of Anti-Christ. We in Christendom should know that people who say, "All religions led to the same

By: Dr. Mike Jones As I teach, write, and answer Theological/Biblical questions from across the globe, one theme I find somewhat constant in the mood of some of the saints, and believe it or not, it's the same principle that we see in the Galatians 6:9 writings of the Apostle Paul, that we're not to be weary, that we will reap in due season, if we faint not. In other words, pay day is coming for the true believer! The Word of