
Author: drmike

By: Dr. Mike Jones   Now that we're in Resurrection Sunday mode, let us draw attention to the suffering of Christ, that He willingly did as a substitute for YOU and ME.  No matter what we’re facing, nothing can compare to Jesus laying down His life at Calvary.  He went through the same day-to-day suffering we endure - betrayal, injustice, loneliness, etc. We can use the final words spoken by Jesus on the cross to give us direction for our “BAD DAYS.”  The

By: Dr. Mike Jones   Per Your Request: A number of  readers asked if this teaching series be continued: Therefore, I've added a few more thoughts. [And as I briefly stated before:] It is so important for an individual to fit into a local church before operating their gift(s) in the local assembly. There must be accountability: because the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has been commissioned to operate as a Body of Believers with NO "Lone Ranger" saints operating independently of

By: Dr. Mike Jones It is so important for an individual to fit into a local church before operating their gift(s) in the local assembly. There must be accountability: because the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has been commissioned to operate as a Body of Believers with NO "Lone Ranger" saints operating independently of leadership. For Believers to be effective in a ministry, it's good to ponder these thoughts in our pursuit of excellence in ministry: *    Why is it so HARD

By: Dr. Mike Jones   Was I a good investment for God last year? I’m serious!  Remember YOU were a LOVE Gift to Jesus from the Father: You served in the Kingdom of God last year – what contribution did YOU make, other than just being a son or daughter? “And they sang a new song, saying:  “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons

By: Dr. Mike Jones This is an excerpt extracted from one of the chapters we will cover, during the Spiritual Warfare seminar in two weeks. Satan is the great counterfeiter of the real thing. He can only imitate God, never duplicate Him. He offers a counterfeit religion - one with no substance, which leads down the road of destruction. The Word of God declares, "If any be lost, it is because the god of this world (system) has blinded their minds to

By: Dr. Mike Jones How many times have we heard our family and friends say, “I’m glad you’re not God!”  They know the person they’re talking too, if given the chance, would do them in. Thank God that we know Him as the God of a second chance– That He didn’t give up on us, but every time we failed, He helped us up, brushed us off, and told us (after we repented), “Get back in the race and finish your

By: Dr. Mike Jones If we as Christians take a moment to think about it, we would come to the conclusion that the phrase, “Am I My Brother’s Keeper” (asked by Cain), is actually one of the more thought-provoking questions in the entire Bible. In Genesis 4, we find where Cain had killed his brother because God had accepted Abel's offering, but not his own: and when the Lord asked him the where-about of his brother Abel, his response was, “Am

By: Dr. Mike Jones I hear people who aren’t believers say, “Dr. Mike, I just wanna be HAPPY!” And when a Believer says, “I wanna be HAPPY!” They are talking about two different things – well, they should be! For Believers, Jesus' first recorded sermon in the Bible is what makes God the Father Happy, and it should be our push to do those things here on Earth, that brings US JOY that He’s pleased: Amen! And keep in mind that God’s

By: Dr. Mike Jones Many people think of wisdom as something intellectual, like being clever. But wisdom isn’t cleverness, because cleverness can be compatible with evil. The fear of the Lord is incompatible with evil. Psalm 25:12 is an excellent benefit of the fear of the Lord. ''Who is the man that fears the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way He chooses." This verse indicates that God doesn't teach everybody. He chooses us on the basis of our character.

By: Dr. Mike Jones First, permit ME to acknowledge that ‘ALL’ of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23); so, I’m not pointing a finger to say who is carnal and who is not; but I am going to outline some characteristics of what a CARNAL CHRISTIAN looks like. A true believer is one that's sensitive enough to the Spirit, that when they do sin, they're quickly to acknowledge it, ask for forgiveness, and continue to