
Author: drmike

Q: What are some of the religious persuasions prevalent in the earth today?   A: That is indeed a good question, because many people seem to simply concentrate on various Religious groups, more so than what is the religious beliefs of some. (1) PANTHEISM - is a form of religion that states, all things of the universe are part of a single substance that you may call God. These are all finite things that we are aware of and that we see. (2) POLYTHEISM

Q: Islam seems to be one of the fastest growing religions here in America as well as around the world. We see so much on Television about its people; can you share a few facts on the religion and how we as Christians can be effective in our witnessing to the Muslim community? A: The word ‘Islam’ actually means “surrender” or “submission.” Islam claims to be fully surrendered to the will of Allah. Here are some facts about the religion: ISLAM Key Figure

Q: You seem to have a passion and sincere love when you’re teaching from the Book of Revelation; can you give us a few ‘Signs of the End-time’ that will occur just before the rapture of the New Testament church and the Second Coming of Christ? A: Sure! And I’d like to see more Christians read the Book of Revelation, and stop being fearful of reading it, because of the vast number of prophetic symbols throughout the book. Isn’t it amazing

Q: You and Bishop James Briscoe did an outstanding job during the two month series on “Important Facts about the Kingdom of God.” I wrote down some of them, and would like to know a few more; can you list some of them for us to keep in remembrance on a daily basis? Thanks for your SPIRITUAL NUGGETS you give us each week, Dr. Mike. A: Thank you for your kind words: Below, I’ve listed several more to live by on

Q: I liked your exegetical notes on what ‘First Time Church Visitors’ look for: We are working towards a ‘Ministry of Excellence;’ can you list some of the ‘Must-Know’ Facts about first time visitors? A: I remembered that specific teaching notes. I was saying how Pastor Rick Ezell at First Baptist Church in Greer, South Carolina, had written extensively on church growth, and that he and I have the same regards for what firt-time visitors look for in a church service.

Q: We have heard you mention five “Believer’s Crowns.” Where are they listed in scripture? A: There may be as many as seven (God’s number for completion) listed throughout the New Testament, but for time sake, I’ll only mention the five that you’ve heard me teach on. The Bible says that there are rewards, or crowns, set aside for those that dedicate themselves to Christ.The Judgment Seat of Christ is the place where all of the deeds that we have done, after

Q: Would you explain the difference between the “unpardonable sin and the “sin unto death?” A:I believe the Bible is clear as to what the “unpardonable sin” makes reference to. It is the “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” as mentioned in Mark 3:22-30 and Matthew 12:22-32. It is when someone accuses the power or working of the Holy Spirit through someone, as the working or power of Satan; basically, cursing God or willfully degrading things relating to Him. Not only is

Q: What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Is homosexuality a sin? A. Isn’t it interesting that the first major topic that God, through the writings of the Apostle Paul in Romans, Chapter 1, was the topic of homosexuality! Not only is the subject widely covered in the New Testament, but the Bible consistently tells us that homosexual activity is a sin in the Old Testament. (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13) When disobedient people continue in sin and unbelief, God “turns

Q: If a person commits suicide – Christian or non-Christian, are they lost? A: This question concerning suicide continues to be asked in Christendom, because true believers have love ones that they ‘honestly’ believe, had sincerely accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and yet committed suicide. It has emotionally tormented (to some extent) their Christian parents, and they seek a word of comfort. This is my view on the subject matter, and I've been asked about this subject several times over

Q: I’ve heard you say during one of your pulpit teaching series on the Bible, that Christians need to be more “systematic” in their New Testament studying of the Word of God. Instead of just reading a few verses each night out of the Old and New Testaments, how can I become more ‘systematic’ in my studying? A: I remember the few services that I did say that Christians need to be ‘systematic’ in studying the Old and New Testaments. Here’s