Q: I would like your opinion on, what does the Word “ALL” make reference to in Matthew 17:11 and Acts 3:21?
Q: I would like your opinion on, what does the Word "ALL" make reference to in Matthew 17:11 and Acts 3:21? I have heard some noted Bible teachers say that Jesus will not return until everything is restored back to the glory it had in the Garden of Eden. A: Without writing a dissertation: I'll answer briefly by saying that Matthew 17:11 makes reference to Malachi Chapter 4:5, about Elijah must come [first] to restore 'all' things: In essence, they missed
Q: If God Is Sovereign, Then Why Do We Have To Pray, Knowing That It’s Not Going To Change His Mind?
Q: If God is sovereign, and I believe that He is, then, why do we have to pray, knowing that it’s not going to change the mind of God? A: As you so graciously stated, our sovereign God not only invites us but commands us to pray. Why? Because prayer is our Christian duty, and as we develop our prayer life, we change and we come more in line with what God’s Will is for our lives, thus becoming better prayer
Q: As A Minister, Would You Marry A Believer And A Nonbeliever?
Q: As a minister, would you marry a believer and a nonbeliever? A: The basis for your question obviously is the biblical text that says we ought not to be yoked unequally with unbelievers. The assumption, of course, is that this text has direct reference to marriage. The Bible doesn’t explicitly say that. The Bible doesn’t say that a believer is not permitted to marry an unbeliever. That metaphor of unequal yoking of oxen in pulling an ox cart is the
Q: What Does The Bible Really Teach About Interracial Marriages?
Q: What does the Bible really teach about interracial marriages? A: The first thought that comes to mind as an African American minister is this, if slave owners, who brought the first African slaves to the North America colony of Jamestown, Virginia back in 1619, to assist in their tobacco production, had put more effort in studying the Word of God to ascertain the true meaning of scripture, rather than permitting the “Love of money” (1 Timothy 6:10) to be their
Q: What Is Your Scriptural View On The Death Penalty?
Q: We see some Christians marching against the death penalty and some standing in favor of: What’s your view, based on the scripture? A: Over the past several years, we’ve all seen a number of injustices played out in the court system. Therefore we would have to agree that our whole criminal justice system is in serious need of reformation and restructuring. You are correct, in your assessment, that many Christians are divided about the issue of capital punishment, as to
Q: Can You Help Me Understand The Doctrine of Election?
Q: Dr. Mike can you help me understand the doctrine of election and what it means? A: To try to answer that question in this short format would almost do more damage than good. One of my modern day mentors and well known theologian Dr. R. C. Sproul wrote a superb book, titled, Chosen by God, which is one of the most read devotions on the subject matter, because it is devoted entirely to a study of the sovereign biblical doctrine
Q: Why Does God Permit Bad Things To Happen To Good People?
Q: Why does God permit bad things to happen to good people? A: First, let’s answer the last part of this question: who are these so-called ‘good people?’ If I remember correctly in my Introduction to the Bible class, there’s none good but God! In scripture, Mark 10:17-18, “And when He was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked Him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?
Q: “Two Shall Be In The Field; The One Shall Be Taken, and The Other Left”?
Q: Would you explain Matthew 24:40-41, in relationship to Bible prophecy? "Then two shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Then two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left." A:Matthew 24:37-42 tells us that this passage is speaking about judgments, not the Rapture. Remember, Matthew Chapter 24 is about the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple and the signs of the end time, and we know
Q: How Can We Be In The World, But Not Of It?
Q: The Bible says we should be in the world but not of it: what’s the difference? A: I believe that you’re quoting Romans 12:2, that tells us we are not to be ‘conformed’ to this world, but we are to be ‘transformed’ by the renewing of our mind. First, let’s determine what the differences are between the two words ‘conformed and transformed.’ To conform to a thing literally means to be a part of it. And to be transformed means to
Q: What Is The Christian View Of Evolution?
Q: Dr. Mike, what is your view or should I say, what should the Christian view of EVOLUTION be? A: Like most noted theologians and Bible scholars, I too believe that there is no single view of the subject matter, anywhere, out there. As intelligent as mankind is, even in his ‘spiritual deadness,’ it’s very hard for me to believe that he actually believe, that through chance, explosions, or whatever, there were mutations, from a single cell to more complex life