Q: Dr. Mike, Can A “True Christian” Be Demon Possessed?
Q: Dr. Mike, can a "true Christian" be Demon possessed? A: Emphatically NO! For a true believer to be demon possessed, it means an evil spirit has completely taken over the individual - spirit, soul, and body. The main reason this is virtually impossible is because, when a person is truly born again, the Spirit of the living God takes up residence in the spirit of mankind. If a Christian doesn't spend quality time studying in the Word of God,
Q: If God has already “Justified” us as the Bible proclaims, then, why are we supposed to seek His forgiveness, if we sinned? Help us with this question!
Q: If God has already "Justified" us as the Bible proclaims, then, why are we supposed to seek His forgiveness, if we sinned? Help us with this question! A: That is a good question because Romans 8:1 states, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." And we as Christians know this to be true, because it says Justification takes care of sin (past, present, future),
By: Dr. Mike Jones Throughout history mankind has had fascination with Eagles, known as the king of the birds. Roman Legions (about 6,000) marched under the silver and gold emblem of Eagles. Egyptians used the Eagle as a symbol of victory! Here in America, our founding fathers put the Eagle on our national seal and on our money. Eagles can weigh as much as 14 pounds and have wing spans measuring seven to eight feet. Turbulent winds don't affect them. Eagles in the
Q: Does Someone Who Is Severely ‘Mentally Challenged’, And Has The Mind Of A Little Child Go To Heaven When They Die?
Q: Dr. Mike, a dear friend wanted me to ask you the question, when someone who is severely 'mentally challenged', and has the mind of a little child, dies; Do they go to Heaven? A: Young lady, that is a good question to be hit with, while walking out of church on a beautiful Sunday afternoon … smile! I could tell by the expression on your face, that your friend, intended for YOU to bring her back a satisfying answer
Biblical Thought #110: Is Baptism Necessary For Salvation?
Biblical Thought of the Day!
Biblical Thought #109: Being Filled With The Holy Spirit?
Biblical Thought of the Day!
Biblical Thought #108: Are Our Loved One Looking Down From Heaven?
Biblical Thought of the Day!