SOME DISAPPOINTMENTS NEW CHRISTIANS FACE By: Dr. Mike Jones One of the greatest joys that I’ve ever witnessed, is seeing new converts come to Christ and their immediate zeal that follows. However, not all new believers grow as they should. Jesus expressed this scenario in the Parable of the Sower, found in Luke 8:5-15, “A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell along the path and was trampled underfoot, and the birds of the air devoured it.
Q: Based on God’s Sovereignty, does man truly have a free will?”
Q: Based on God’s Sovereignty, does man truly have a free will?” A: First, let’s decide to agree that free will does not mean that human beings can do any and every thing they please. The Apostle Paul gives us insight into this theological fact, when he says in 1Corinthians 10:23, “Everything is permissible,” but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible, but not everything is edifying.” Martin Luther, the most noted German Theological, struggled greatly with the relationship between God’s sovereignty
HAVING AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE Dr. Mike Jones Are YOU aware that ‘Gratitude’ shifts your mindset – Think on whatever is of a good report. And are YOU aware that ‘Gratitude’ is contagious – You can affect others by your attitude. Scripture says, “But the hour come and now is, when true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and Truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and
A FATHER'S LOVE! By: Dr. Mike Jones Statistically, there’s a great need for a father’s love in the earth realm. For example, 64% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes; 90% of all homeless and run-away children are from fatherless homes; 80% of rapists with displaced anger comes from fatherless homes; and the list goes on-and-on. The glorious [LOVE] attributes of God the Father is the perfect example of what we as Christian fathers should be imitating. Dr. Paul Vitz, who is a
THE WISE AND FOOLISH VIRGINS! (Matthew 25:1-13) Dr. Mike Jones The parable of "The Wise And Foolish Virgins" has important lessons to be learned: especially about the Second Coming of the Lord, and we need to be watchful for that great event! What are the key elements in the Parable? Ten virgins (5 wise & 5 foolish) go out with lamps to await the arrival of the bridegroom. But 5 of them, their oil is running out and the bridegroom is soon to
What does the Bible say about our pets and Heaven?
Q: Dr. Mike, we simply love our pets (dog & cat)! What does the Bible say about our pets and Heaven? A: The answer to this question [sort of] takes the same path as a previous one, on whether God abhors ‘Cremation’ ” as opposed to ceremonial burial? The Word of God doesn’t speak for or against the soul of an animal, nor whether or not “ALL” pets go to Heaven! However, we do find throughout sacred Scripture that God breathed the
Differences between the Baptism with the Holy Spirit and the Infilling with the Holy Spirit?
Q: Dr. Mike, during your Saturday seminars and general teachings, I’ve heard YOU say that, being “baptized with the Holy Spirit” and being “filled with the Holy Spirit” are different: can you share a little knowledge with us? A: That’s a really good question. Whenever and wherever I’m teaching one of the 15 Saturday seminars, I try to stay consistent with my theological explanations, regardless of the denomination that I’m conducting the seminar(s). The reason that I made this statement, is
Q: In your summation, what would be the final ‘key word’ that the church should address at this time?
[Part Seven] Q: Dr. Mike, in your teaching series of the “End Time,” You have given us critical understanding of what’s to happen. In your summation, what would be the final ‘key word’ that the church should address at this time? A: It’s amazing that you asked that! One Sunday per month (God willing), my wife and I meet over brunch with a group of senior church leaders from around the region, to fellowship and to discuss current issues surrounding the local
Can You Explain To Us The Term “Apocalypse?”
(Part 6 of 7) Q: Can You Explain To Us The Term "Apocalypse?" A: [Actually] The word “APOCALYPSE” is derived from the Greek word apocalupsis which means to reveal or to uncover something, such as the phrase taken from the Book of Revelation 6, “The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse.” Throughout the Books of Revelation, Daniel, Isaiah, and a few others, the reader is introduced to “apocalyptic literature,” which is primarily used to describe various images, symbols, and numbers, as they relate to
What’s the significance of the Number 666 and the End Time?
(Part Five) Q: My friends and I have heard much about the Number 666 that’s in the Book of Revelation – even to the point, that people avoid it. Can you share a little bit about its significance to the End Time? A: You are correct: people avoid that number like the plague! I, for one, am aware that it only represents the ‘essential’ number for a man, therefore, I actually use it for the ministry mailing address [The Teaching Ministry of