Q: What should be the Christian response to those that say, “If God is Righteous and Good, why does He permit so much violence in the world?”
Q: What should be the Christian response to those that say, “If God is Righteous and Good, why does He permit so much violence in the world?” A: It behoves us to first, understand the difference between God’s Sovereignty and His Providence, to gain a better understanding of what’s happening around us and in the world. Sovereignty reveals God’s absolute rule/control over the entire world – now and forever. It means that He hasn’t nor ever will depend on anyone or
“I’m HAPPY With My Life … Why Do I Need Jesus?
Q: How should we as Christians respond, when people say, “I’m HAPPY with MY life. Why do I need Jesus?” A: [Now] That question is notorious in the life of any true believer. We both know of family and friends that would literally give you the shirt off their backs, because they are simply good-hearted people. However, they’re quick to say, “Things are going well with my family, and I’d like to leave everything in my life, the way it is!
Are Those Who Never Heard The Gospel Going To Hell?
Q: You sufficiently answered the question, of “Whether I should immediately ‘assure’ someone of their Salvation, after I witness to them;” My follow-up question is, “Are Those Who Never Heard The Gospel Going To Hell?” A: [Thank You!] I find a more pressing issue of getting salvation right, here in America! As I attend funeral services, of loved ones of my extended church families, around the region, I’ve actually left the services wondering about the relationship some of the eulogists have
Q: Hey Dr. Mike, I’ve been enjoying the readings of the Endtime; and want to know your thought on the phrase, “The Trumpet of God.” Is the Bible talking about a literal trumpet sound, or is it referencing the voice of God?” And since I can’t get out to church on a regular basis, I’ve been enjoying Dr. Fred Price and your teachings! A: Hi Ron; thank you from the heart: I will do my best to give you a sound
Free Gospel Churches of the Apostle’s Doctrine Family and friends, I come before you, this glorious Monday morning with the monumental task of providing Words of Encouragement to a man that I have come to respect and admire, a man that I am glad, in the humblest sense of the Word to call My ‘Spiritual Father” in the Gospel! To First Lady & Senior Pastor [Dr. Shirley M. Green]: any member in their right mind should realize that there would be
The Kingdom of Heaven Suffereth Much Violence!
Q: Dr. Mike, over the years, I’ve heard preachers say that Matthew 11:12 is tell us to “Take back with force, what the Devil has stolen from us!” Is that true? A: [Finally] with gratitude, we’re seeing a number of Christians (with the heart and mindset of the Bereans, who searched the scriptures daily to see if the things that Apostle Paul and others were saying, were true), spend quality time in sacred Scripture, searching for the ‘hidden’ jewels, that are
Q: Melchizedek … A Type of Christ or not?
Q: Dr. Mike, I’ve been studying Melchizedek, and found very little about him. Can you share, whether or not he was an appearance of Christ? Thanks, your friend, Ron. A: From the heart, thanks Ron for your question, about, who is this “Bible mystery man” called Melchizedek that’s found in the Old Testament in Genesis (14), and in the New Testament in The Epistle to the Hebrews (7). I called him the “Bible mystery man,” because sacred Scripture indicates to us that
Q: Dr. Mike, a group of friends want me to ask you, if it’s a SIN to get a small Tattoo?
Q: Dr. Mike, a group of friends want me to ask you, if it’s a SIN to get a small Tattoo? A: Believe me, when I say, that this question is one of the most asked (of me) by Christians, that I consider non-theological, biblical, or a doctrinal issue. God’s covenant people (Israelites) in the Old Testament were forbidden to mutilate their bodies like their counterpart (Gentiles) were doing, some for demonic rituals, etc. In Leviticus 19:28, the Jews were commanded, “You
Life Time Benefits From Diligently Seeking Wisdom
By: Dr. Mike Jones Overview: The Book of Proverbs means what the name implies, a process of collecting short sayings from different places and produced over long periods of time. Simply put, a representation of wisdom derived from everyday experience. It’s also a representation of wholesome advice about the way a person should live in order to attain a happy and satisfactory life. Purpose of the book is found in Chapter 1:5-6, “I want those already wise to become wiser and become
Q: Dr. Mike, the Bible instructs us to “work out our Salvation,” and yet, we tell non-Christians that works don’t save them. What’s the difference?
Q: Dr. Mike, the Bible instructs us to “work out our Salvation,” and yet, we tell non-Christians that works don’t save them. What’s the difference? A: I too have heard many people, on the other side of Christendom say the exact thing, but just worded a little differently. And some Christians say that explaining it to people, isn’t as easy as it seems, since we’re constantly telling our unsaved love ones, that ‘good works’ do not get a person into heaven