
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: We see so many Christians abandoning their local [home] church, when the leader becomes ill or dies; can you share your thought on this issue?

A: I’ve stated numerous times, to close friends, who are church leaders here in the region, that what we’re seeing, can’t be pleasing to Holy God, who established the church, with His Son’s blood.

There’s so much church ‘hopping’ going on, that you can turn your TV on, any Sunday morning, and see members, in the congregation of the locally televised church service, and know they are/were members of such-and-such church. [And many are leaving their home churches without a cause.]

In the Sermon on the Mount, the first office that Jesus introduced is the “office of the minister” (Apostle); how he is the salt of the earth, in terms of leading God’s elect. Jesus builds up His disciples by telling them they are the ones who have accepted the Beatitudes and who are doing God’s will; those who have accepted His teaching have become a light to the world.

The Apostles, or church leaders (candlesticks), are the ones God is using in the close of the church age to give direction to the congregation. Jesus warns His disciples [that] if they lose their savor (direction), they are good for nothing, but to be cast out, trodden under feet of men.

When men in positions of leadership lose out with God and their congregations, they become men pleasers according to I Timothy 4: 15-16. Apostle Paul warned the leaders to, “Take heed unto themselves, and unto the doctrine, to continue in them, for doing this, they shall save both themselves, and all that hear them.” When a man or woman leading a congregation becomes good for nothing, they become unprofitable to God, Christ and the ministry.

Jesus then shares with His disciples that they are the light of the world. He likens His ministers to light – people watching over the congregation to stir them up and keep them moving in the right path. Also, the minister is to be like a city set on a hill that cannot be hid – not like a man that lights a candle and sets it under a bush – because the minister, like a candlestick, is to give light unto everyone (souls) in the house (church). The standards of church leaders are different (higher).

When members of the congregation are not walking upright before God, they will not be able to discern the high standard set by God for His leaders. Jesus concludes the statement by encouraging His ministers to let their light shine before men so others can see their good works and glorify God. The shine that Jesus so eloquently spoke of makes reference to the ministerial teaching gift of church leaders.

Paul said in I Corinthians 9:27 that he always made sure he is living what he teaches, so that when he has preached to others, he should not be a castaway. Satan wants all church leaders to fall, because of their position and influence. In the final analysis, people will praise God for their church leader that looks after their soul.

Let us continue to pray, that many will eventually return to their ‘FIRST’ love!

Comments (2)
  • April 15, 2019

    QUESTION : what if the new preacher is not teaching the same BIBLICAL doctrines should one stay there or look for another preacher that taught the same doctrine as their past preacher ?

  • April 15, 2019
    Elder Reggi Jones

    Some people leave the Church they already KNOW that the one left in-charge has a snotty attitude. Doesn’t KNOW how to talk to people in the spirit of meekness. And the ones left in charge..Dont have a PASSION to work in their calling.
    It’s always about them and DO AS I SAY DO ATTITUDE. The Flock that is left feel abandoned and oftentimes; They KNOW that they cannot GROW anymore under this New Pastoralship!
    Therefore; I would suggest that we all stay to give it a Shot and ask for God’s Guidance!
    Its not about the Leader; its all about our MAIN FOCUS…JESUS CHRIST and Him Crucified!
    I am just keeping it 100!

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