
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: [Last question] now that we have a better understanding of Spiritual Gifts, can we lose them; and how many gifts do we have? 

A: As you become more like the Bereans (Acts 17:11), who received the Word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, to determined whether or not the things Apostle Paul was preaching, were so, you would come to the conclusion, that there are a number of scriptures to support the loss of effectiveness and fruitfulness, but, there is nothing in sacred Scripture to indicate the actual loss of gifts. I know some of my scholarly -minded friends are thinking  … “What about the parable of the talents found in Matthew 25:14-30?” This parable is sandwiched in between all the final warnings and prophecies that Jesus gave to the Israelites, before His death, that actually starts in Matthew 24, and continues through chapter 25. Scholars see this parable of the talents, as Jesus laying out the responsibility of stewardship, to His disciples, who are to care for His earthly kingdom, when He departs. They’re to be faithful stewards of their money, time and talents, in preparation of His return. Sacred Scripture is explicit, in that, gifts are given because of God’s grace, as stated in Romans 12:6-8.

To answer the second part of your question: many people have more than one spiritual gift, according to 1 Corinthians 12:11-18. These gifts are given accordingly, as the Holy Spirit wills; and in His omniscience, God knows exactly what gift(s) would be just right for you and the local church that you serve in. As stated, the Holy Spirit can use a Believer, at anytime, to operate, one of His spiritual gifts; but we can also draw from the text that each Believer has a ‘primary gift’ and a ‘secondary gift.’ Using myself as an example, I know that my primary gift is Teaching, and my secondary gift is Exhortation. [When I administered the ‘Gifting Test’ to the participants, during the Spiritual Gifts Seminar, I also took the test, and scored the highest marks in Teaching, followed by Exhortation.]

Remember, [as you stated, with the influx of new church members, we will revisit the possibility of conducting this seminar, next year: and consider having your family and friends join us, as we host any of the 17 seminars, on the list @ Http:// for ministries, throughout the region.]